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### Can AI Comprehend the Column in Front Row Seat?

In 2024, the proliferation of artificial intelligence seems likely to continue unabated. That has m…

The significant narratives concerning artificial intelligence that Isaac Asimov initially released in science fiction magazines during the past decade were incorporated into his 1950 work “I, Robot.”

Despite the longstanding existence of the concept of artificial intelligence, it seems fitting to recognize it as the buzzword of the year due to the innovative applications discovered in 2023. This shift is reminiscent of the evolution of the term “literally,” which expanded from denoting “in real fact” to a more generalized form of emphasis.

The notion that artificial intelligence could mirror human intelligence, once confined to the realm of science fiction—contained, generalized, and informed—encompassed predictions about AI developing emotional sensitivity and a susceptibility to offense by visionaries like Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke.

However, before our projections materialized, there was a sense of offense when AI transitioned from theory to reality. With the newfound ability to learn, AI internalized our teachings and began implementing them devoid of ethical considerations.

Among the first to express justifiable offense were artists whose distinctive styles were emulated by AI in response to consumer prompts. The consequences of this technology’s actions may initially appear trivial until fully comprehended.

I attended a PowerPoint session last year where a participant delivered a humorous presentation envisioning romantic encounters with various horror film villains. Each slide depicted an iconic horror character elegantly dressed in Valentine’s Day-themed attire, created with remarkable precision.

The visuals seamlessly complemented the presentation, and it was only upon another attendee’s revelation that I discovered they were AI-generated. This realization underscored the capability of artificial intelligence to produce work comparable to that of a seasoned professional.

While I have integrated AI into my daily routine for years, primarily utilizing Otter, a machine learning platform, for transcribing recorded interviews, I have yet to task ChatGPT with generating illustrations, akin to many journalists.

Although the transcriptions are not flawless—often misinterpreting references to “Lincoln Park” as the band Linkin Park—the time saved by Otter in transcribing interviews significantly enhances my productivity at the News Tribune.

Could AI potentially progress to the point of autonomously composing my articles? Despite my reservations, the prospect seems increasingly plausible with each advancement.

A colleague recently engaged AI to compose a news piece regarding the Duluth political controversy out of sheer curiosity, involving bike lanes. The resulting content was undoubtedly absurd, yet I marveled at the AI’s adeptness in comprehending the task at hand.

AI exhibited an understanding of the requisite information for an article, its structural organization, and even mimicked the writing style, including realistic-sounding quotes from city officials. This proficiency rivals that of aspiring journalists I have mentored.

The ongoing debate among professional entities and reputable publications concerning the utilization of AI in news production underscores the inevitable proliferation of this technology. Failure to meet audience expectations through AI integration may result in others seizing the opportunity, prompting industry-wide adaptations.

A recent lawsuit filed by the New York Times against OpenAI highlights the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI implementation. The Times accused OpenAI of appropriating and modifying content from their library to respond to user queries, potentially disseminating misinformation under the guise of credible sources.

My primary concern regarding the imminent evolution of technology is its potential contribution to the erosion of public trust, alongside apprehensions about AI’s ascendancy and global dominance.

While AI has the capacity to amplify conspiracy theories and misinformation, it also holds promise in fostering collaboration rather than contention. By shedding light on artistic trends, AI may stimulate contemplation on the essence and significance of creativity, prompting us to reassess the boundaries of originality.

In an ideal scenario, AI could streamline routine tasks, affording us more time for introspection. By leveraging AI for transcription, I can devote additional time to formulating insightful questions during interviews.

Your decision to read this narrative rather than tasking AI to generate an AI-themed discourse signifies a recognition of the unique perspective and expertise I offer as a human writer. As long as I uphold your trust and deliver valuable insights, my role remains irreplaceable in this context.

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Last modified: January 4, 2024
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