Written by 5:36 am Deepfakes

### AI-Generated Deepfakes Surface in New York Politicians

No laws currently exist to regulate the use of AI.

Keith Wright, the former state Assemblyman and leader of the Manhattan Democratic Party, was captured in a brief audio recording last quarter making derogatory remarks about Harlem Assemblywoman Inez Dickens.

In the recording, Wright expressed sentiments suggesting Dickens’ political downfall, stating, “Yes, she isn’t running. She’s finished. The tracking stated, ‘I dug her grave, and she rolled into it. Lazy, incapable. I would be in Congress if it weren’t for her.” However, it was later revealed that the tracking itself was fabricated.

Reflecting on the incident during a recent interview, Wright described his reaction, saying, “It hit me like a two by four. I mean, I was shocked.”

Additional pertinent details include the prevalence of deepfakes, manipulated media that contribute to disinformation, accelerating their dissemination through AI technology. Wright, known for his role in the Manhattan Democratic Party, was implicated in a false voice recording incident involving Assemblywoman Inez Dickens. He asserts that he sent a cease-and-desist letter to the platform hosting the deceptive recording. Presently, there is a lack of state or federal regulations specifically addressing the use of social deepfakes.

Despite Dickens’ announced retirement, suspicions arise regarding the motives behind the deceptive tactics aimed at influencing the succession race, which notably involves Wright’s son Jordan.

In a separate instance, a phone call in New Hampshire mimicking President Biden’s voice advised primary voters to abstain from voting, underscoring the growing concern over deepfake technology infiltrating political campaigns.

The emergence of AI-generated deceptive content extends beyond audio recordings, as evidenced by a fabricated image featuring former President Trump and Anthony Fauci. Among these instances, the deepfake involving Keith Wright stands out as a prominent example within the New York Democratic landscape.

Lawmakers like Queens Assemblyman Clyde Vanel are actively addressing the implications of AI advancements, emphasizing the urgent need for legislative measures to combat identity theft and misinformation amplified by AI tools.

The evolving landscape of political deception underscores the necessity for regulatory frameworks to mitigate the misuse of AI-generated content in elections. Despite the increasing integration of AI in political communications, the absence of comprehensive laws governing deepfake usage poses significant challenges in safeguarding the integrity of electoral processes.

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Tags: Last modified: February 8, 2024
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