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– Congressional Plans for Addressing Artificial Intelligence in 2024: A Bite-Sized Approach

Both parties recognize potential issues with artificial intelligence, but coming up with solutions …

When the term “artificial knowledge” is mentioned, science fiction films may come to mind. While the concept has not yet fully materialized in reality, the government acknowledges both the potential benefits and challenges associated with the future of AI.

Democratic Senator Mike Rounds from South Dakota emphasized the importance of being perceived as leaders by the global community, stating, “And we have the chance; we’re that right now.”

Lawmakers are determined not to repeat the mistakes made with social media by delaying action and allowing platforms to evolve without sufficient oversight.

Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, characterizes AI as an exceedingly complex issue. He believes that Congress can address it incrementally, recognizing that comprehensive legislation may not be imminent.

Despite claims from major tech companies that they are open to regulation, they often present counterarguments when actual legislation is proposed. Warner suggests that a strategic approach starting with undermining the unchecked respect for the open market could pave the way for progress on other fronts.

One critical focus area is the intersection of artificial intelligence and elections, particularly as the year 2024 approaches.

Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer raised concerns about the proliferation of convincing scams perpetrated by AI, where individuals may be misled into believing false narratives.

The utilization of AI-generated videos in political campaigns, exemplified by the Republican National Committee, is becoming increasingly prevalent.

Warner prioritizes national security in conjunction with elections and financial systems when considering the regulation of AI.

In his role as the president of the Intelligence Committee, Warner is spearheading bipartisan efforts to address both the ethical considerations and practical applications of AI in various sectors. He aims to introduce regulatory measures in January to ensure responsible AI implementation.

To enhance lawmakers’ understanding of the benefits and risks associated with AI, Schumer organized nine AI Insight panels. It is imperative for legislators to translate this knowledge into actionable policies as they work towards formulating regulations for 2024.

The concerns surrounding the impact of artificial intelligence are not limited to the United States. Pope Francis has called for a global agreement to oversee the responsible development and utilization of AI technology. Additionally, the European Union recently unveiled its inaugural set of comprehensive artificial intelligence principles.

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Last modified: December 29, 2023
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