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### Parents’ Growing Concerns Prompt Calls for Enhanced AI Influencer Transparency on TikTok

TikTok to implement clearer labeling for (AI)-generated influencers, expressing concerns about the …

Over 12,000 parents have endorsed an online petition calling on TikTok to introduce clearer labeling for artificial intelligence (AI)-generated influencers, citing worries about the influence on children and teenagers. The petition, directed to TikTok’s CEO Shou Zi Chew, is supported by ParentsTogether, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting online safety for children.

Concerns Mount Over Unrealistic Beauty Standards and Body Dysmorphia

Parents express concerns that AI influencers, who exhibit AI-enhanced appearances, could perpetuate unrealistic beauty ideals and contribute to body dysmorphia among young audiences. Despite the presence of “virtual influencers” over the years, the recent advancement in generative AI technology has amplified the challenge for users, especially children, in distinguishing between authentic and synthetic content.

TikTok’s Response and Parental Advocacy

In response to these concerns, TikTok has introduced measures mandating creators to label all lifelike AI-generated content. Nevertheless, ParentsTogether argues that this is insufficient for consistent identification. Shelby Knox, the organization’s campaign director, asserts that numerous AI-generated TikTok videos remain unlabeled, posing difficulties for viewers in determining their origin.

A TikTok spokesperson has acknowledged the platform’s dedication to safety and creativity. While embracing the possibilities AI offers, TikTok acknowledges the risks linked with opaque AI utilization. The spokesperson highlighted proactive steps taken to develop safety features that balance creativity with viewer well-being. TikTok also stressed its prohibition of content that promotes unhealthy eating habits or hazardous weight loss practices.

Insufficient Labeling and the Demand for Accountability

ParentsTogether underscores the necessity for TikTok to play a more proactive role in uniformly and prominently labeling AI-generated accounts and videos. Virtual influencers often mention their virtual nature in their bios, yet the content itself may lack explicit identification as AI-generated. Hashtags like “#aiinfluencer” are occasionally buried within video descriptions, further complicating viewers’ ability to differentiate.

Knox expressed worry that the average child may not understand the industry jargon related to “virtual influencer” and urged TikTok to address this issue to mitigate potential adverse effects on its user base. The organization argues that TikTok, as a platform that facilitates the monetization of virtual influencers, holds a responsibility to ensure transparent labeling to foster a safer online environment.

TikTok’s Measures and Ongoing Challenges

Following ParentsTogether’s advisory, TikTok disclosed the removal of three identified accounts. The platform maintains its stance against content that promotes unhealthy eating habits or dangerous weight loss practices. Despite these actions, concerns persist regarding the effectiveness of the labeling system and the potential impact on young users who may inadvertently interact with AI-generated content.

Balancing Creativity and Transparency

Amid the escalating discourse on AI-generated influencers on TikTok, the platform grapples with the intersection of creativity and safety concerns. Striking a balance between nurturing innovative content and ensuring transparency regarding AI usage becomes paramount. The parental plea to enhance labeling practices underscores the increasing recognition of the potential ramifications of AI influencers on young individuals.

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Last modified: January 22, 2024
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