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### Lawsuit Filed Against Creators of Click-Bait Generated by Computers

George Carlin’s estate filed a lawsuit against Dudesy, the company behind the AI-generated sp…

The individual behind the AI-generated entity George Carlin, known as Dudesy, faced legal action from Carlin’s estate for utilizing the comedian’s copyrighted material without authorization.

The lawsuit, filed in a California federal court and detailed by Rolling Stone, described the AI-generated content as “a piece of computer-generated click-bait that detracts from the value of Carlin’s comedic works and harms his reputation.” It further emphasized that the content amounted to “casual theft of an outstanding American artist’s work.”

The accused parties in this legal dispute include the hosts of the Dudesy audio and YouTube show, Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen, along with 20 unnamed individuals referred to as John Does. Among the John Does, five are identified as the creators of the program, while the remaining 15 are linked to entities or individuals who contributed to the development and financing of the AI-generated project.

The AI-generated rendition of Carlin’s material purported to mimic his style, stating at the outset that it had endeavored to emulate Carlin’s voice, pacing, perspective, and topical interests. However, the lawsuit contends that this unauthorized use of Carlin’s work infringed upon his rights and constituted trademark violations. The legal complaint also criticized the content as a “hour-long fake funny show” masquerading as Carlin’s voice and purportedly engaging in a “reflective” discussion of current events posthumously.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and a court order for the immediate removal of the contentious content.

In response to the situation, Josh Schiller, the attorney representing the defendants, highlighted the importance of regulating AI technology to prevent misuse that could exploit creators’ works for personal gain at the expense of artistic integrity.

Kelly Carlin, George Carlin’s daughter, expressed her disapproval of the AI-generated project, emphasizing that her father’s legacy resides in his authentic performances, albums, and literary works. She underscored that the AI representation of Carlin does not capture the essence of the real individual who shaped her life with love and creativity. Kelly denounced the unauthorized use of her father’s likeness and the misleading portrayal presented by the AI-generated content.

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Last modified: January 26, 2024
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