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**Outperforming Peers: Companies Gaining Competitive Edge through AI Strategies**

Companies that have thrived since the pandemic have increased AI investments to ease pain points an…

The financial technology revolution has significantly impacted various sectors, with the payments industry being a late bloomer to this transformation. Many companies still heavily rely on manual processes within their accounts receivable (AR) operations. However, the industry is now at a crucial juncture, ready to embrace the disruptive power of artificial intelligence (AI) that is poised to revolutionize operations across the spectrum.

AR stands as the lifeblood of any organization, yet economic pressures often hinder its smooth flow, making AR teams a central focus for many businesses. Despite the risks linked with AI adoption, the potential advantages it offers to AR processes are undeniable and increasingly compelling.

In this edition of the “ Working Capital Tracker®,” we explore the transformative impact of AI in alleviating challenges for AR teams, empowering companies to thrive amidst economic uncertainties.

AI Transforming Payment Processing and Operational Efficiency

The persistence of manual AR tasks continues to create payment bottlenecks, with 40% of finance professionals identifying manual processes as a significant obstacle to collections. By automating tasks within the order-to-cash process, AI can notably boost speed and efficiency, laying the foundation for organizations to achieve solid financial performance. AI enables companies to enhance the productivity of AR teams by automating mundane and labor-intensive activities like data entry, compliance checks, invoice processing, and collections, thereby enabling human workers to concentrate on more strategic initiatives.

Enhancing Customer Experience through AI

Ensuring seamless payment experiences for customers is vital to prompt payments. AI-driven virtual assistants and chatbots act as 247 self-service tools, allowing customers to access their transaction histories, submit requests, or raise disputes at their convenience. In scenarios where AR disputes lead to payment delays, AI can expedite the resolution process by categorizing disputes with reason codes and automatically approving adjustments based on predefined criteria.

The wealth of customer data that AI can gather and analyze positions it as a potent tool for tailoring personalized experiences. Leveraging generative AI, companies can tailor customized customer communication strategies, nurturing stronger relationships that facilitate quicker payments. Additionally, AI empowers businesses to boost customer retention by enabling AR teams to provide top-tier service tailored to individual customer requirements.

AI-Driven Strategic AR Optimization

AI systems excel in aggregating and analyzing extensive data from various sources, offering valuable insights that steer informed decision-making in real time. By leveraging this data repository, AI assists businesses in uncovering trends, patterns, and relationships crucial for devising successful business strategies.

Moreover, AI plays a crucial role in forecasting outcomes to optimize collection strategies. Through analyzing customer transactions, credit histories, and financial data, AI can pinpoint customers at risk of default and proactively devise tailored payment plans. It also facilitates cash flow forecasting and models the impact of procedural changes on invoice payment timelines, thereby enhancing the predictability of payment receipts.

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Last modified: February 12, 2024
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