Written by 10:05 pm AI, Discussions, Uncategorized

– AI-powered Legal Tool Leads to Suspension of Colorado Lawyer

A Colorado lawyer has been suspended for a year for using an AI chatbot to draft a legal document.

A Colorado lawyer who utilized an AI bot to generate a legal document has been placed on administrative leave for a period of one year.

As per reports, Zachariah Crabill referenced case law obtained through the AI system ChatGPT and received a one-time and one-morning suspension from the judge back in May. The utilization of the software led to the presentation of fabricated and inaccurate scenarios.

Crabill allegedly neglected to disclose to the court the inauthenticity of the cases cited in the motion he submitted, and he also failed to retract the submission.

Following a ruling, during questioning by the prosecutor regarding potential inaccuracies, Crabill shifted blame to a legal intern for the errors. It was only six days post the hearing that he swore an oath affirming his authorship of the motion on the platform.

The presiding judge found Crabill in violation of multiple rules outlined in the Colorado Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct. The remaining portion of the expulsion for the year will be waived if he satisfactorily completes a 90-day suspension followed by two years of probation.

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Last modified: February 21, 2024
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