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### The Negative Impact of AI Manipulation on Sports Illustrated and Other Publications

Technology should help media workers do their jobs, not impersonate them or actually carry out the …

Newspaper reporters in the past had to sift through numerous microfiche spins and clips to access older articles for their stories. The advent of the internet and electronic libraries has significantly simplified this process, transforming how information is shared and consumed by audiences.

Ideally, technology should serve as a tool to aid multimedia professionals in their tasks rather than replacing them or mimicking the responsibilities of human researchers. However, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised concerns, particularly in the media industry. While most media companies have implemented strict guidelines to prevent the misuse of AI-generated content, some have taken it a step further by failing to clearly disclose articles created by non-human entities.

For instance, Sports Illustrated faced criticism when AI-generated content lacking proper disclaimers was published on their website. This misstep not only raises ethical concerns for users but also undermines the credibility of journalists in the industry.

In a similar incident, Futurism, a news platform focusing on science and technology, identified certain articles as “AI-generated.” On the contrary, Sports Illustrated claimed that their features were authored by real individuals, disputing the allegations of AI involvement.

The controversy deepened when it was revealed that an external organization, AdVon Commerce, hired by The Arena Group to produce certified content, instructed its staff to use pseudonyms for privacy protection. This practice contradicts the transparency expected from journalists who typically use their real names for attribution.

Moreover, the use of AI-generated personas, such as the “neutral white guy” Drew Ortiz and the “joyful Asian” Sora Tanaka, without proper justification further erodes trust in media authenticity. These fabricated identities, even if devoid of false information, lack the genuine essence expected from journalistic work.

Critics argue that the utilization of AI in journalism can compromise the integrity and reliability of news sources, as AI systems have the potential to generate misinformation and manipulate facts. The repercussions of such actions can be detrimental to the credibility of media outlets and the public’s trust in journalistic standards.

Ultimately, the controversy surrounding AI-generated content underscores the irreplaceable value of human journalists in upholding journalistic ethics, accuracy, and accountability. While technology continues to evolve, the core principles of journalism, including investigative rigor and adherence to truth, remain essential in preserving the integrity of the media industry.

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Last modified: February 13, 2024
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