Written by 12:26 pm Big Tech companies, Technology

### BMW Unveils AI Technology sans Hallucinations at CES 2024

Limited options make for better conversations.

The 2024 CES event in Las Vegas witnessed a surge of AI excitement, a phenomenon that was somewhat expected given its status as the predominant tech trend of the moment. It’s no surprise that startups are eager to align themselves with this cutting-edge zeitgeist.

The notable adoption of AI technology by car manufacturers, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen, was somewhat unexpected. While these advancements are undeniably thrilling, technologies like ChatGPT have shown limitations in delivering precise and practical information.

BMW took a unique approach to address this challenge by leveraging a large language model akin to Amazon’s Alexa LLM. However, BMW’s implementation, known as Retrieval-Augmented Generation, sets constraints by allowing the AI to reference only internal BMW documentation regarding the vehicle.

This approach, though more restrictive compared to other manufacturers, represents a significant leap forward in AI interactions within the automotive industry. The new AI integration, set to be part of BMW’s Intelligent Personal Assistant, serves as a knowledgeable companion capable of providing detailed information, explanations, and nuanced recommendations regarding the vehicle.

The value of this technology becomes apparent when considering the complexity of modern cars, especially premium models, which boast a myriad of features that often surpass traditional paper manuals. Voice assistants have somewhat eased this complexity, but BMW’s enhanced voice assistant stands out for its ability to interpret commands even with non-standard terminology and its capacity to simplify explanations for users.

Moreover, the AI-powered voice assistant’s adaptive nature, demonstrated by its ability to ask clarifying questions when faced with ambiguity, enhances the user experience significantly. While enthusiasts may find this feature less captivating, it holds immense potential for individuals new to the realm of advanced automotive technology, enhancing their ownership experience and usability.

It’s worth noting that during the demonstration, direct interaction with the voice assistant was restricted to BMW representatives, prompting some skepticism about the authenticity of the demo. Despite this, the dynamic responses and occasional glitches observed during the presentation suggest genuine interaction, albeit within a presumably limited question set.

BMW has hinted at further developments in its AI integration, with plans to expand functionalities to include navigation and points of interest. While the timeline for these enhancements remains uncertain, the initial phase is slated for release to BMW vehicles running Operating System 9 by the summer, with the update being provided to users at no additional cost.

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Last modified: January 19, 2024
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