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### Musicians, Including Billie Eilish and Nicki Minaj, Call for AI Protection

Letter signed by more than 200 artists makes broad ask that tech firms pledge to not develop AI too…

A collective of over 200 prominent musicians have endorsed an open statement urging safeguards against the exploitative utilization of artificial intelligence that imitates the appearances, voices, and sounds of human artists. The endorsers represent a diverse array of musical styles and periods, encompassing renowned figures like Billie Eilish, J Balvin, Nicki Minaj, as well as iconic personalities such as Stevie Wonder, REM, Frank Sinatra, and Bob Marley’s estates.

Issued by the Artist Rights Alliance advocacy group, the letter calls for a universal commitment from technology entities to refrain from creating AI tools that undermine or supplant human songwriters and performers. It emphasizes the imperative to halt the encroachment on human creativity by preventing the predatory exploitation of AI to misappropriate artists’ voices and likenesses, infringe upon creators’ rights, and disrupt the music landscape.

While advocating against the misuse of AI in music, the letter acknowledges the potential benefits of responsibly employing this technology within the industry. Notably, music producers have leveraged AI tools for various purposes, including the isolation of John Lennon’s vocals from an archived demo track to craft a “new” Beatles song released last year.

The Artist Rights Alliance’s initiative aligns with a broader industry resistance against generative artificial intelligence, driven by concerns surrounding ethical dilemmas, copyright violations, and labor rights issues. Artist unions and advocacy groups are actively lobbying for regulatory measures to govern AI usage, while studios are exploring its utility in cost reduction.

The discourse on AI’s role in content creation has spurred legislative actions, such as Tennessee’s enactment of the “Elvis Act,” safeguarding musicians from unauthorized replication of their vocal likeness through AI for commercial ends. Despite these advancements, challenges persist, notably the unauthorized use of artists’ work to train AI models, leading to diminished royalty payouts and legal disputes against entities like OpenAI.

The Artist Rights Alliance, spearheaded by industry veterans like Rosanne Cash, has enlisted a diverse roster of artists in this advocacy effort, encompassing genres from country to rap and indie pop. The organization’s outreach to artists, including those representing deceased talents, underscores the evolving landscape of AI’s impact on posthumous usage rights and the ethical implications of AI-generated content.

As musicians navigate the expanding accessibility of AI tools, divergent perspectives emerge on the permissible boundaries of AI’s creative influence. While some, like Grimes, view generative AI as a platform for experimentation and fan engagement, others, such as Nick Cave, express disdain towards AI imitations of their artistic expressions, highlighting the nuanced discourse surrounding AI’s integration into the creative sphere.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 3, 2024
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