Written by 4:02 pm Discussions, Innovation, OpenAI

### Discussion between Bill Gates and Sam Altman on AI Regulation Sparks Idea of ‘Global Governance’

Billionaire Bill Gates floated a “global government” of some sort to deal with dangers …

Copenhagen Consensus President Bjorn Lomborg commented on Bill Gates’ assertion that innovation will play a crucial role in addressing climate change, along with the proposal of a carbon tax and the decision by U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to postpone the ban on gas cars until 2035.

The discussion between billionaire tech magnate Bill Gates and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman touched on the idea of establishing a “global regulatory body” to oversee potential risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) development. Gates highlighted the importance of global cooperation to prevent harmful practices, suggesting the need for a “global government” in certain scenarios.

Gates and Altman emphasized the significance of educating government officials about AI technology to ensure effective regulation and avoid unforeseen consequences. They acknowledged the challenges faced in regulating social media and stressed the need for proactive measures to address similar issues in the AI landscape.

Altman raised the possibility of implementing a “global regulatory body” akin to the International Atomic Energy Agency to oversee the development and deployment of powerful AI systems. This proposed entity would be responsible for managing the societal and geopolitical implications of advanced AI technologies on a global scale.

The conversation underscored the complexities of regulating AI and the potential benefits of establishing an international framework to govern its use. Both Gates and Altman expressed cautious optimism about the feasibility and necessity of a global regulatory body for AI, citing widespread support from various countries and leaders around the world.

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Last modified: January 19, 2024
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