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### Leveraging AI: Bill Gates Suggests a Potential Shift to a Three-Day Workweek

The 68-year-old Microsoft co-founder said that AI will not be taking jobs but will “change it…

Bill Gates, a philanthropist with vast wealth, discussed the potential for technology and AI to enhance people’s lives during a conversation on his radio show “What Now” with South American comedian and author Trevor Noah. The 68-year-old co-founder of Microsoft expressed his belief that while technology will not entirely replace human workers, it could pave the way for a future with shorter workweeks. He emphasized that AI will not eliminate jobs but will bring about significant changes.

In the dialogue that lasted 45 minutes, Mr. Gates shared his perspective on how technology and AI could lead to improvements in society. Responding to Dr. Noah’s query about the impact of artificial intelligence on employment, Mr. Gates envisioned a scenario where individuals may not need to work as rigorously, suggesting the possibility of a reduced work schedule to only three days a week.

While acknowledging the potential benefits of AI in automating tasks like food production, Mr. Gates also highlighted the need to address the challenges posed by this technology. He pointed out the risks associated with AI, including misinformation, deepfakes, safety concerns, shifts in the job market, and implications for knowledge dissemination.

Reflecting on historical technological advancements, Mr. Gates drew parallels between the transformative effects of AI and those of previous innovations like the Industrial Revolution and the invention of personal computers. He underscored the necessity for adaptation by both employees and employers in response to evolving technologies.

In his discussions and publications, Mr. Gates has emphasized the dual nature of AI, recognizing both its potential benefits and risks. While he remains optimistic about the future of AI and its manageable challenges, he cautions against underestimating its impact on various aspects of society.

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Last modified: February 11, 2024
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