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### Enhancing Policing Through AI and Innovative Technologies

The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office has big plans for the new year. The department is expanding …

The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office is setting ambitious goals for the upcoming month, leveraging cutting-edge technology to achieve its long-standing objectives. Judge John Allen of BCSO highlighted their focus on utilizing advanced technology such as artificial intelligence for tasks like statement writing and AI-driven license plate tracking.

Since 2023, the department has been utilizing Flock systems to gather data on vehicles entering specific Albuquerque establishments, with plans to expand this initiative further in the near future. This technological advancement aims to equip deputies with comprehensive information for prompt and effective response to calls, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Moreover, the implementation of Nerve body cameras for all deputies has significantly improved transparency and accountability, allowing dispatchers to track deputies’ locations in real-time. The department has also established connections with local translators and mental health professionals to enhance community engagement and support services.

Judge Allen emphasized the importance of live-streamed briefings to stay informed about operational updates and performance metrics. This real-time access enables the command staff to make informed decisions regarding protocols and procedures, ensuring continuous improvement in operational practices.

Looking ahead, Allen expressed his vision for expanding the Behavioral Health Unit and increasing the number of Crisis Intervention Team trained deputies. He emphasized the significance of ongoing training and capacity building for all deputies to enhance de-escalation techniques and crisis response capabilities.

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Last modified: January 12, 2024
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