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### Barry Diller Urges Swift Action to Regulate AI

Media billionaire Barry Diller gave legislators two steps they should take in the fight against AI.

Billionaire Barry Diller is advocating for stricter regulations on fair use to safeguard against the misuse of artificial intelligence.

Diller, a prominent figure in the media industry, emphasized the urgency of addressing the regulatory framework surrounding AI. He highlighted the proliferation of deepfake videos featuring political figures as a significant concern that necessitates immediate action.

Expressing his apprehensions during an interview with CNBC, Diller stressed the critical need for comprehensive AI regulation before the situation escalates beyond control. The chairman of IAC underscored the imperative of directing all efforts towards governing artificial intelligence without delay.

Drawing attention to a recent April Fools’ Day video circulating online, which showcased remarkably realistic replicas of Joe Biden and Donald Trump engaging in nonsensical dialogue, Diller raised a crucial question: “How do you discern the truth in such scenarios?”

While the specific video referenced by Diller remains undisclosed, instances of AI-generated content masquerading as authentic have been increasingly prevalent. Earlier, Pope Francis also cautioned against the perils of AI following the viral spread of a deepfake portraying him in an unconventional outfit.

Proposing a legislative remedy, Diller advocated for the enactment of laws that prohibit the fabrication of individuals’ identities through AI-generated content. He emphasized the necessity of establishing clear boundaries that prevent the unauthorized creation of deceptive materials using AI technology.

In his recommendations, Diller called for the implementation of laws that strike a balance between safeguarding intellectual property rights and fostering AI innovation. Additionally, he urged a reevaluation of the concept of fair use concerning AI applications, emphasizing the need for timely revisions to address emerging challenges effectively.

This stance aligns with Diller’s prior advocacy efforts in 2023 when he urged publishers to take legal action against AI developers for unauthorized use of their content. He criticized the exploitation of Expedia’s extensive content by AI systems, emphasizing the need to protect intellectual property investments made by companies like Expedia.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 5, 2024
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