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### Introducing Autodesk’s Design and Make AI Solution

/PRNewswire/ — AUTODESK UNIVERSITY — Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) today announced Auto…

AI Autodesk, a cutting-edge technology that stimulates creativity, assists in problem-solving, and reduces unproductive tasks across various industries, was officially introduced today in Las Vegas on November 13, 2023, as reported by PRNewswire. AI Autodesk provides intelligent support and innovative capabilities that empower users to freely envision and explore ideas while generating precise, efficient, and contemporary outcomes. It is seamlessly integrated into a diverse array of products and is an inherent component of the Design and Make Platform.

By equipping users with the necessary tools to enhance their creativity and ambition, AI Autodesk also contributes to boosting productivity in their endeavors.

Andrew Anagnost, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Autodesk, emphasized the significance of AI in addressing challenges and transforming them into opportunities for customers. He described AI Autodesk as a valuable assistant that reduces the learning curve for designers and engineers, amplifies their productivity, and expedites the pace of innovation.

Autodesk stands out among other systems due to its exceptional potential in artificial intelligence. With a team of experts who have been pioneers in AI research for decades, Autodesk’s AI Lab has already published over 60 peer-reviewed research papers that push the boundaries of artificial intelligence and conceptual AI.

Anagnost highlighted Autodesk’s pivotal role in driving this technological evolution, stating, “AI represents the future of design and manufacturing, positioning us at the forefront of some of the most innovative industries globally.” The commitment to investing in AI stems from its transformative capacity to deliver superior outcomes for users’ businesses and beyond.

AI Autodesk plays a pivotal role in various sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and entertainment, enabling customers to not only enhance productivity but also to unleash their creativity and ambition.

According to a survey featured in the future State of Design and Make special report on AI, 77% of businesses expressed their intentions to increase or significantly enhance their investments in AI over the next three years. Furthermore, 66% of industry leaders believe that AI will play a crucial role in the upcoming years.

Raji Arasu, the Chief Technology Officer of Autodesk, emphasized the company’s commitment to security and ethical AI practices, ensuring that AI solutions are responsibly developed to meet customers’ needs. AI Autodesk will continue to be integrated across the Autodesk platform, enhancing design and manufacturing processes through innovative features and functionalities.

Presently, AI Autodesk is accessible across the Autodesk product portfolio, with ongoing developments to introduce new capabilities. It facilitates creative exploration, automates repetitive tasks to minimize errors, frees up time, and provides predictive insights by analyzing complex project data.

In the realms of design, engineering, and architecture, AI Autodesk offers tools such as Autodesk Forma for enhanced early-stage planning, InfoDrainage’s Machine Learning Deluge Tool for water disaster prevention, AutoCAD’s AI-powered assistance in drafting, and Construction IQ for forecasting and managing construction risks effectively.

For production and product design, AI Autodesk enables conceptual design exploration in the automotive industry through Blank, accelerates 3D model creation and editing in real-time in Autodesk Fusion, and streamlines workflows for computer-aided manufacturing toolpaths and annotations.

In the realm of entertainment and advertising, Autodesk Flow simplifies scheduling for media productions, Autodesk Flame automates tasks for artists, and AI-powered workflows in Maya facilitate interaction with scene data through natural language prompts.

Furthermore, a Maya plug-in powered by AI in collaboration with Wonder Dynamics enables the swift creation of computer-generated characters for live-action scenes.

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Last modified: February 26, 2024
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