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### AI-Powered Activists Recreate Voices of Shooting Victims to Challenge Lawmakers

Manuel and Patricia Oliver, whose son Joaquin was killed in the 2018 Parkland shooting, are using A…

Families of individuals affected by gun violence are leveraging artificial intelligence technology to replicate the voices of their deceased loved ones and confront legislators who oppose gun control measures on the sixth anniversary of the Parkland tragedy.

Robocalls featuring these recreated voices are being directed towards senators and House members aligned with the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment advocacies. The initiative, launched on Valentine’s Day, is aimed at urging Congress to prohibit the sale of firearms like the AR-15 rifle, as reported by the Associated Press.

Manuel and Patricia Oliver, parents of Joaquin “Guac” Oliver who lost his life in the 2018 Parkland school shooting, emphasized the significance of addressing gun violence issues. Manuel Oliver expressed, “We come from a region where gun violence is prevalent, but the sight of a 19-year-old with an AR-15 causing harm in a school setting is unheard of.” He highlighted the disparities in gun violence occurrences between the United States and third-world countries.

The Olivers, who immigrated from Venezuela, transformed into activists following the tragic loss of their son and 13 other students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The incident, which also claimed the lives of three staff members, sent shockwaves across the nation.

The Olivers collaborated with Change the Ref, an organization they founded post the tragedy, in conjunction with March for Our Lives, a student-led gun control advocacy group. Together, they initiated The Shotline campaign, engaging in unconventional activism methods such as AI-generated calls and protests like “die-ins” to amplify their message.

Utilizing advanced AI technology, the Olivers and five other families affected by gun violence provided audio samples of their deceased relatives to recreate their voices. These replicated voices deliver poignant messages, urging lawmakers to take decisive action on gun control.

The campaign, which includes messages from victims like Joaquin Oliver, Akilah Dasilva, and Uziyah Garcia, serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating impact of gun violence and the urgent need for legislative reform.

Manuel Oliver’s bold advocacy efforts have garnered both support and criticism. His confrontational approach, including public protests and disruptions, has sparked debates on the appropriate methods of activism in the fight against gun violence.

The Olivers’ unwavering commitment to advocating for gun control measures, despite facing backlash and challenges, underscores the emotional toll and relentless determination of families impacted by such tragedies.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 27, 2024
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