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– Discussion on AI by Culture Minister and Artistic Sectors

Culture Secretary brings creative industries together to discuss impact of AI
  • Lucy Frazer convened a roundtable where business leaders in the music, drama, and publishing sectors discussed the impact of AI on artistic industries.
  • The focus of the discussion was on addressing the challenges posed by AI to designers’ intellectual property rights and exploring how AI can facilitate industry growth by fostering employment and skills development.
  • Among the attendees were representatives from Warner Music, Universal, Getty Images, and the visual effects studio Framestore.

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer organized a roundtable meeting attended by prominent figures from the creative fields to delve into the implications of artificial intelligence on the film, music, and television industries.

Key executives from renowned UK artistic entities such as Warner Music, Getty Images, and the Publishers’ Association will engage in conversations regarding the opportunities and obstacles presented by AI to innovative enterprises. This dialogue will involve participants from the Intellectual Property Office and Creators’ Rights Alliance.

Central to the discourse will be the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials for training AI models like ChatGPT, along with concerns about AI-generated content potentially infringing on creators’ intellectual property rights. The session is also expected to address the critical measures needed to safeguard artists’ rights and identities.

Furthermore, the discussions will explore how AI can support the government’s Creative Industries Sector Vision, which aims to boost industry revenues by £50 billion, create one million new jobs, and nurture a pipeline of future talents by 2030. Through AI advancements, artists can explore innovative avenues, as seen in projects like ABBA Voyage, which merges live performances with avatar technology. AI also streamlines research processes by generating song or video iterations within minutes, enhancing productivity and creativity in sectors contributing £108 billion to the economy.

In her statement, Culture Minister Lucy Frazer expressed:

“Building on the UK’s excellence in the arts and entertainment sectors, we are well-positioned to leverage advancements in AI technologies. I am eager to hear creatives’ insights and concerns regarding the utilization of artificial intelligence in their present and future work.

As Culture Minister, my ambition is to propel our creative industries towards a £50 billion growth by 2030, generating a million new jobs. I believe that AI can play a pivotal role in achieving these goals, provided that opportunities are harnessed collaboratively with industry stakeholders, which is the primary focus of today’s gathering.”

These discussions follow the publication of the AI Regulation White Paper, outlining the UK’s context-driven, innovation-friendly approach to AI governance. They form part of a broader market engagement strategy aimed at comprehending the diverse impacts of this transformative technology across sectors.

The deliberations will also shed light on the efforts of the Intellectual Property Office to formulate a new code of conduct, ensuring robust rights protection while enhancing data licensing accessibility for AI model development.

Messages to reporters

The insights shared during the roundtable discussions will be thoughtfully reviewed, fostering ongoing industry engagement and collaboration.

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Last modified: February 24, 2024
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