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### Cutting-Edge AI Leads 2024 Pet Health Standards

Americans are closer to their pets than ever before with nearly 87 million households in the United…

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – The bond between Americans and their pets has strengthened significantly, with nearly 87 million households across the United States owning a pet. This closeness has propelled the animal healthcare industry to a staggering worth of 104 billion dollars. Recently, at a veterinary healthcare conference in Orlando, several emerging healthy trends for 2024 were unveiled, offering valuable insights for pet owners.

The event showcased a diverse array of pets, including dogs, cats, lizards, and more, making it a comprehensive exhibition of all aspects of pet healthcare. From cutting-edge AI innovations in pet life-saving techniques to shaping the landscape of veterinary medicine, the conference provided a platform for veterinarians worldwide to stay abreast of the latest developments in animal healthcare. The North American Veterinarian Community (NAVC), a non-profit organization, organizes this annual gathering, drawing veterinarians to learn about groundbreaking advancements in animal medicine. Gene O’Neill, the Chief Executive Officer, emphasized the significance of technology in supporting veterinarians, acknowledging that their most valuable resource is time and any technological enhancements that can facilitate more quality time with pets are highly beneficial.

Dr. Dana Varble, the Chief Veterinary Officer at NAVC, highlighted the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advancing pet healthcare. AI is revolutionizing the way veterinarians analyze x-rays, interpret blood work, and expedite diagnostic processes, leading to more informed treatment decisions and improved outcomes for pets. Additionally, AI streamlines administrative tasks like medical record-keeping, allowing veterinarians to focus on interacting with pet owners and providing personalized care.

Furthermore, AI is instrumental in tailoring treatments for specific conditions, with a shift towards developing medications exclusively for dogs and cats. This targeted approach ensures better predictability of treatment outcomes, minimizes side effects, and introduces safer alternatives such as monoclonal antibodies for pain management and novel oral medications for feline diabetes.

Despite the strides in animal healthcare, O’Neill highlighted the lack of diversity among veterinarians, with 93% being white. Efforts are underway to engage underrepresented communities and offer them insights into the veterinary profession to encourage diversity within the field.

When asked about the most popular breed in 2024, Dr. Varble identified the irresistibly adorable French bulldog as a standout choice.

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