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### Warning: AI Industry Set to Consume Power Equivalent to Spain by 2027

The Generative AI industry is on course to use 224 TWh of power by 2027 but Morgan Stanley says the…

The rapid expansion of the Generative AI industry is projected to lead to a significant increase in power consumption, with estimates suggesting that by 2027, the sector could consume as much electricity annually as the entire nation of Spain did in 2022. According to recent modeling by Morgan Stanley, the industry’s power usage is expected to surge at an alarming rate of 70% per year, escalating from under 15 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2023 to a staggering 224 TWh by 2027, approaching Spain’s total consumption of 230 TWh in 2022.

Despite the concerning surge in energy consumption, Morgan Stanley’s optimistic outlook contends that the Generative AI sector could have a positive overall impact on the environment. The report suggests that the industry’s widespread adoption of clean energy sources may enable Generative AI to offset more carbon emissions than it generates. Furthermore, the potential of AI technology to enhance grid efficiency and facilitate the development of emissions-reducing solutions such as carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) technologies is highlighted as a key factor in mitigating environmental harm.

However, experts have expressed reservations about relying on speculative technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS) and CCUS to combat climate change, citing their unproven efficacy in real-world applications. The escalating power demands of the AI sector are anticipated to necessitate a substantial expansion of clean energy infrastructure, presenting opportunities for renewable energy companies and data center infrastructure providers to thrive amidst the industry’s growth.

While concerns linger regarding the potential surge in fossil fuel consumption driven by the AI sector’s energy needs, Morgan Stanley’s report underscores the importance of scaling up clean energy generation to meet the escalating demands of the industry. The competition for clean energy resources, particularly in data center clusters, could intensify, potentially straining existing renewable energy supply chains.

In light of these developments, the necessity for innovative energy solutions is becoming increasingly apparent. Industry leaders like Microsoft have already begun exploring the integration of small modular reactors (SMRs) to power data centers, signaling a shift towards more sustainable energy practices within the tech sector. As the AI industry continues to evolve, balancing technological advancement with environmental stewardship remains a critical challenge that necessitates proactive and sustainable solutions.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 13, 2024
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