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### The Role of AI in Escalating the Stagnant Surveillance Arms Race

Artificial intelligence can provide a new frontline in the perpetual war between white-hat and blac…

In the ongoing conflict between defenders who wear white hats and those who do not, artificial intelligence (AI) may present a new frontier.

AI’s ability to identify threats has been touted by experts as a potential game-changer in the realm of online security. With its capability to sift through vast amounts of data to pinpoint and counteract dangers using algorithms and machine learning, AI could serve as a vigilant and diligent guardian, safeguarding critical modern strongholds.

According to Joseph Harisson, CEO of IT Businesses Network in Dallas, AI plays a crucial role as a vigilant protector in the contemporary sphere. He describes AI algorithms as digital bloodhounds that excel at detecting anomalies and threats with a precision that human analysts might overlook.

However, AI also poses a significant threat in the hands of criminals and malicious actors due to its rapid data processing capabilities. These malevolent entities leverage AI to orchestrate sophisticated cyberattacks, turning the tables on their adversaries. These AI-powered threats continuously evolve, adapting to their online environment to evade detection and prevention, leading to a perpetual cat-and-mouse game between opposing forces.

To advance AI research, scholars are developing computer systems that mirror the architecture of the human brain. This research not only bolsters security measures but also enhances real-world safety, particularly in biometric applications like fingerprint and facial recognition utilized by law enforcement to secure critical locations such as airports, government buildings, and residential properties.

Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova, a professor at West Virginia University’s Lane Department of Computer Science and Engineering, emphasizes the long-standing presence of AI in the security landscape. Machine learning, a pivotal aspect of AI, has been instrumental in various operational tasks within the field.

Goseva Popstojanova recommends employing antivirus software like Norton or Kaspersky, which utilize AI to detect known viruses and filter out message spam. Despite the widespread discussion around AI, the technology has been silently operating in the background for some time.

Disassembling Fortresses

Aleksa Krstic, CEO of Localizely, a software-as-a-service translation platform based in Belgrade, Serbia, highlights the potential of AI-powered cameras to analyze real-time video feeds and identify objects or potential threats. These AI techniques can discern individuals, streamline access control, and track activities efficiently. By recognizing normal behavioral patterns within specific cultural contexts, AI can issue alerts when deviations occur.

However, AI can also be wielded to dismantle the virtual bastions erected by businesses and governments. Krstic warns that AI can be utilized to deploy automated botnets or craft sophisticated phishing emails for large-scale automated attacks. The power of AI lies in its capacity to generate and disseminate misinformation, influencing public opinion for ulterior motives.

Goseva-Popstojanova underscores the dual nature of AI, stating that it can be leveraged for both benevolent and malevolent purposes. Just like dynamite can be employed for construction or destruction, AI’s versatility allows it to be used for beneficial innovations as well as malicious intents.

Cybercriminals exploit advanced AI tools such as ChatGPT to scour publicly available data online and construct detailed profiles of individuals for nefarious activities like spamming, identity theft, or fraud. The human element remains a vulnerable point in security, with AI-driven technologies like deepfakes and text imitation simplifying social engineering tactics to manipulate individuals into undesirable actions.

The practice of “phishing” or “vishing,” once conducted over the phone, has now transitioned to text messages, where imposters deceive recipients by assuming false identities to perpetrate fraud. Social engineering played a pivotal role in the MGM Resorts cyberattack, underscoring the importance of safeguarding sensitive data against such manipulative tactics.

Outsmarting AI

Criminals employ tactics like face spoofing to outsmart AI systems in real-world scenarios. Simple strategies, such as using images to evade facial recognition, can circumvent security measures. Additionally, altering physical attributes like clothing material to disrupt visual recognition algorithms poses a challenge to AI accuracy. While basic AI systems may be deceived by static images, more sophisticated technologies can detect signs of life to thwart emulation through photographs. Masks, makeup, and 3D representations further complicate recognition processes, demonstrating the need for robust security measures to counter such deceptive practices.

The field of adversarial system understanding explores how machine learning can be manipulated to deceive AI systems. Researchers are actively investigating methods to trick algorithms into misclassifying harmful activities as benign, enhancing the resilience of security protocols. By inundating AI systems with specific inputs, malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities to extract sensitive information. This ongoing battle underscores the necessity for continuous innovation and a proactive stance on addressing societal implications in the evolving landscape of AI security.

As AI becomes an integral part of the global community, the balance between white-hat and black-hat hackers will shape the future of security worldwide. FBI Director Christopher Wray’s address to members of the Five Eyes alliance highlighted the collective efforts to combat threats posed by entities like China, which leverage AI research for malicious endeavors. The implications of AI extend beyond individual entities, impacting global security frameworks and necessitating collaborative strategies to mitigate risks effectively.

In conclusion, the dynamic interplay between AI-driven security measures and malicious exploitation underscores the imperative for ongoing advancements to ensure that AI remains a force for protection rather than subversion. As AI technologies continue to evolve, vigilance, innovation, and ethical considerations will be paramount in shaping a secure and resilient digital landscape.

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Last modified: December 28, 2023
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