Written by 4:21 pm Discussions, Future of AI

### The Rise of AI: A Potential Barrier to Fact-Finding in 2024

Generative AI images will trip you up

No other physical innovation has ever endeavored to challenge our comprehension of physical reality quite like IoT imagery is presently accomplishing.

This isn’t about pen and paper sketches, conventional images, or even films. CGI and special effects play no part in this revolution. It’s a realm that predates the era of Adobe Photoshop.

All prior advancements in this field pale in comparison to the capabilities of programs such as Adobe Firefly, MidJourney, and DALL-E.

These are the dream weavers that can transform the imagined into reality—conceptual AI image systems that effortlessly generate visuals like the flooded downtown Manhattan scene below.

When Midjourney crafts an image, there are no identifiable styles, mediums, or artists. Each pixel can oscillate between realism and fiction at will. Once these images (and videos) leave the digital realm, they traverse the globe, blurring the lines of truth along the way.

The era of “Seeing is believing” has been inadvertently dismantled by generative AI imagery. This age-old adage, often attributed to 17th-century priest Thomas Fuller, has persisted for centuries but is rendered obsolete in the modern landscape.

The timing couldn’t be more apt for this pivotal juncture in conceptual AI imagery. The concept of reality and its purveyors has been under siege for years. The internet is no longer taken at face value, and even government leaders, once seen as society’s moral compass, are now viewed with skepticism. In today’s world, individuals seek personalized truths that are easily accessible through confirmation bias, where evidence supporting preconceived notions is favored.

Generative AI, a relatively new yet rapidly evolving technology, steps into this void of truth. A simple prompt on Midjourney through Discord can conjure up the reality one desires:

“Picture Joe Biden and Donald Trump playing a game in the White House Rose Garden. Despite Biden poised with his Queen and exclaiming ‘Check,’ Trump remains defiant, strategizing his next move.”

Midjourney effortlessly generates multiple versions of this fictional scenario within minutes, blurring the lines between fact and fiction.

While the fraudulent nature of such AI-generated images may be apparent in controlled settings, not everyone operates with transparency.

The creation of AI-generated images is simultaneously entertaining, fascinating, and perilous. It is a tool that mirrors the intentions of its users—potentially serving noble purposes or perpetuating deceit and misinformation in the wrong hands.

Vulnerability to Deception

Human nature is inherently susceptible to sensory stimuli. A significant portion of our understanding is derived from visual cues. Our belief often aligns with what we see, a principle evident in the seamless illusion of motion pictures. Despite our awareness of CGI in films, our emotions can still be stirred by fictional characters and events, showcasing our susceptibility to manipulation.

Conceptual Artificial images capitalize on this vulnerability by presenting seemingly authentic visuals that defy reality, effectively blurring the line between truth and deception.

As I peruse Google News daily, a notable portion of the content is dedicated to debunking false information, particularly fabricated images and videos misrepresenting actual events.

During times of heightened political activity, we are inundated with convincing depictions of events that never occurred, manipulating public perception and distorting reality.

Emerging Threats

The image-generation tools available today often lack robust safeguards. While explicit content and sensitive scenarios are restricted, it remains relatively simple to circumvent these limitations with clever prompts.

Beyond static images, AI systems like Midjourney are advancing towards generating lifelike videos. Although creating convincing AI videos is significantly more challenging than static images, the pace of progress suggests that soon, discerning reality from fiction will become increasingly challenging.

Ultimately, the age-old adage of “seeing is believing” is no longer a reliable axiom. Visual representations can no longer be taken at face value, necessitating a critical eye and a discerning mind to navigate the landscape of generative AI imagery. It is imperative to question everything in this era of technological advancement and misinformation.

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Last modified: January 16, 2024
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