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### AI’s Non-Involvement in Direct Harm to Individuals

The chaos at OpenAI reveals contradictions in the way we think about the technology

At times, it seemed less like a drama akin to Succession and more reminiscent of the chaotic humor found in Fawlty Towers, resembling a Laurel and Hardy comedy rather than a Shakespearean tragedy. The rise of the bot ChatGPT has propelled OpenAI into the spotlight as one of the most prominent tech companies today. The recent saga of Sam Altman’s dismissal and subsequent reinstatement as CEO captured international media attention, eliciting a mix of surprise and amusement.

The comedic undertones hinted at the ineptitude of the board for some, while for others, it symbolized a clash of conflicting sentiments. On a deeper level, the upheaval mirrored the fundamental contradictions within the software industry. It highlighted the tension between the self-serving image of software entrepreneurs as revolutionary “disruptors” and their control over a multi-billion dollar industry that shapes every facet of our existence. Additionally, it underscored the dichotomy between the belief in AI’s potential to revolutionize various aspects of life and the apprehension that it could pose an existential threat to humanity.

OpenAI stands out as a prime example embodying these conflicts. Founded in 2015 by Silicon Valley heavyweights Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, the company straddles the roles of AI advocates and doomsayers. Musk ominously warned, “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.”

The tech titans now universally harbor concerns about an impending catastrophe, stemming from their inflated self-assurance as trailblazers poised to conquer the future, juxtaposed with a deep-seated pessimism towards society. Many individuals, including Altman, adopt a “prepper” mindset, preparing for doomsday scenarios. Altman once disclosed his preparedness, stating, “I have guns, metal, potassium iodide, medications, batteries, water, oil faces from the Israeli Defense Force, and a large patch of land in Big Sur I can travel to.” This anxiety extends to the realm of AI, reflecting the existential crises that plague even the most successful business figures.

Initially established as a non-profit organization with the noble aim of advancing artificial general intelligence (AGI) for the betterment of humanity, OpenAI pivoted in 2019 by creating a for-profit arm to attract more funding, ultimately securing over $11 billion from Microsoft. This move institutionalized the tension between profit motives and ethical concerns, with the non-profit entity retaining ultimate control. The remarkable success of ChatGPT only exacerbated these tensions.

A faction of OpenAI experts broke away two years ago to form a human-centric organization out of apprehension regarding the rapid advancement of AI. One member expressed a chilling prediction, suggesting a 20% chance of rogue AI wiping out humanity within the next decade. The efforts to defend Altman and navigate the boardroom conflicts seem to stem from this shared sense of dread.

The ethical dilemma of creating systems that could potentially jeopardize human existence raises profound questions. While fears surrounding AI may be exaggerated, the apprehension itself poses risks. The misconception that AI possesses human-like understanding can lead to misguided expectations. Despite ChatGPT’s prowess in predicting text sequences, it lacks a true comprehension of the world, highlighting the vast gulf between artificial and human intelligence. The concept of “artificial general intelligence” remains a distant prospect, with experts like Grady Booch asserting that AGI won’t materialize even in the distant future.

The notion of “alignment,” ensuring that AI adheres to human values and intentions, is touted as a safeguard against potential AI risks by some in Silicon Valley who believe in the imminent arrival of AGI. However, defining and enforcing “human values” amidst evolving societal norms and technological advancements poses a formidable challenge.

In an era marked by societal discord and shifting values, the intersection of technology and ethics remains a contentious issue. Debates surrounding online safety, free speech, privacy, and deception underscore the complexities of our relationship with technology. The regulation of misinformation presents a particularly thorny challenge, as efforts to combat falsehoods often entail granting tech companies expanded policing powers, raising concerns about censorship and control.

Moreover, the issue of bias in AI systems looms large, as algorithms trained on biased data perpetuate discriminatory outcomes, particularly affecting marginalized communities across various sectors. Addressing these challenges necessitates a nuanced approach that balances technological advancement with ethical considerations.

Ultimately, the focus should not solely be on the hypothetical dominance of AI over humanity, but rather on the responsible use of technology by those in positions of power. Instead of succumbing to unfounded fears, discussions about AI should center on how technology can be harnessed for the collective good while mitigating potential risks stemming from misuse and exploitation.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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