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### US Warns BBC of AI’s Potential to ‘Enhance’ Election Misinformation

US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco says the US wants tougher sentences for crimes involving AI.

By Gordon Corera & Brian WheelerBBC News

US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has raised concerns about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to be used in ways that could escalate disinformation and provoke violence during elections.

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Lisa Monaco emphasized the dual nature of AI, referring to it as a “double-edged sword” with the capacity to bring significant societal benefits while also being susceptible to exploitation by “malicious actors” to create turmoil.

Monaco disclosed plans to introduce measures that would consider the use of AI by criminals as an aggravating factor in sentencing within the US judicial system. Drawing a parallel to cases involving violent criminals who utilize firearms, she highlighted the intention to pursue harsher penalties for those employing AI for malicious purposes.

Addressing the imminent threat posed by AI-generated misinformation, particularly through mediums like deepfakes and AI-driven robocalls, Monaco underscored the importance of safeguarding the electoral process. Recent actions by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to outlaw robocalls during elections exemplify the proactive stance being taken to mitigate such risks.

Highlighting collaborative efforts between the US government, technology companies, and international partners such as the UK, Monaco stressed the necessity of regulating AI to counter potential threats effectively. She expressed concerns about the far-reaching implications of AI manipulation on democratic processes, citing instances where deepfake audio nearly incited public disorder.

Moreover, Monaco cautioned against the amplification of misinformation and disinformation through AI, cautioning that such tactics could erode trust in information sources, disrupt voting rights, incite violence, and breed general societal distrust and chaos.

While acknowledging the positive role of AI in enhancing crime prevention and investigative capabilities, Monaco emphasized the critical need for a comprehensive approach involving both technological innovations and legislative frameworks to establish appropriate boundaries for AI application and uphold democratic values.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 27, 2024
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