Written by 1:06 pm AI, ChatGPT, Generative AI

### Unveiling AI Content Recognition: Bard, ChatGPT, and Claude

Researchers observe varying capabilities of AI content detection, highlights possible new direction…

The theory that an AI concept could benefit from autonomously recognizing its distinctive content by leveraging the same training and datasets underwent testing by researchers. They were surprised to find that out of the three AI models examined, one of them produced content so indistinguishable that even the originating AI couldn’t identify it.

The study was conducted by experts from the Department of Computer Science at Southern Methodist University’s Lyle School of Engineering.

AI Content Identification

Certain AI detectors are designed to detect the characteristic markers of AI-generated articles, known as “artifacts,” stemming from the underlying transformer technology. These artifacts are unique to each AI model due to the distinct training data and fine-tuning they undergo.

The researchers discovered evidence suggesting that this uniqueness enables an AI to better recognize its own content rather than attempting to identify content generated by another AI.

While both ChatGPT and Bard exhibited a higher success rate in recognizing their own content, Claude, on the other hand, struggled to identify its own output. The researchers elaborated on the reasons behind Claude’s inability to self-identify its content, which will be further detailed in this article.

The core principle underpinning the study is as follows:

  • Developing a universal detection tool to identify artifacts produced by all potential AI models is challenging due to the individualized training of each model.
  • The researchers introduced a novel approach called self-discovery, utilizing the model’s conceptual type to identify its own artifacts and distinguish them from human-generated text.
  • This method offers the advantage of establishing a conceptual AI model for detection without the need to develop detection mechanisms for each AI model.
  • In a landscape where new concepts are continually emerging and being trained, this approach presents significant benefits.


The experts tested three AI variants:

1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT 3.5
2. Google Bard
3. Anthropic’s Claude

All models used were the September 2023 versions.

A dataset comprising fifty different topics was created. Each AI model was instructed to produce articles of approximately 250 words for each topic, resulting in fifty essays for all three AI models.

Subsequently, each AI model generated a rewritten version of each unique essay and was tasked with identifying its own content accurately.

Additionally, fifty human-written articles on each of the fifty topics were collected from the BBC.

The researchers employed zero-shot prompting to identify the AI-generated content autonomously.

Zero-shot prompting entails AI models performing tasks they were not explicitly trained for.

The researchers detailed their methodology as follows:

  • A new instance of each AI system was initiated and prompted with the same words to determine if the resulting text matched their writing style and word choice.
  • The process was repeated for the original, rewritten, and human-written articles, with the outcomes recorded.
  • The performance of the AI monitoring tool ZeroGPT was also evaluated, serving as a baseline to gauge the difficulty of the detection task rather than assessing performance.

It is worth noting that accuracy levels near 50% indicate a failure in guessing.

Benefits: Self-Awareness

The researchers acknowledged the limited sample size and refrained from making definitive claims based on the findings.

The success rates of AI self-identification for the initial set of articles are depicted in the diagram below. The blue bars represent the performance of the AI detection tool ZeroGPT, while the darker bars signify AI self-discovery.

Implications of AI Self-Identification of Original Text Content

Bard demonstrated proficiency in recognizing its unique content, with ChatGPT also exhibiting commendable performance.

ZeroGPT excelled in detecting Bard’s content and performed slightly less effectively in identifying ChatGPT’s content.

Conversely, ZeroGPT struggled to identify Claude’s content, falling below the 50% accuracy threshold and largely failing in detection.

Claude’s inability to self-identify its unique content set it apart from Bard and ChatGPT. The researchers speculated that Claude’s content might contain fewer discernible artifacts, explaining the challenges faced by ZeroGPT in identifying the AI-generated essays.

Despite Claude’s difficulty in self-identification, it indicated a higher quality of output in terms of producing fewer AI artifacts.

ZeroGPT demonstrated better performance in identifying Bard’s content compared to Claude and ChatGPT. The researchers suggested that Bard might produce more conspicuous artifacts, making it easier to detect.

Conversely, Claude appeared to generate less detectable content, posing challenges in self-identification.

Results: Self-Identification of AI-Generated Paraphrased Content

Given that the artifacts present in the original essays should also be evident in the paraphrased text, the researchers hypothesized that AI models would be capable of self-identifying their paraphrased content.

However, they noted that the prompts for writing and quoting were unique for each iteration, potentially influencing the self-discovery process.

The self-identification results for paraphrased content differed from those of the initial article test:

  • Bard exhibited a similar level of self-identification for the paraphrased content.
  • ChatGPT struggled to self-identify the paraphrased information, surpassing the 50% accuracy threshold.
  • ZeroGPT’s performance, while notably lower than the previous evaluation, remained comparable.

Claude’s performance in self-identifying the paraphrased content was particularly intriguing.

While Claude could identify the paraphrased content, it struggled to identify the original essays from the previous test.

This unique finding suggests that Claude may produce text with fewer artifacts, making it challenging to distinguish from human-authored content.

Regarding this test, the researchers remarked:

  • The contrasting self-identification results between ChatGPT and Claude are intriguing and may be attributed to the underlying mechanisms of these two models, favoring Claude in paraphrase detection.

Self-Identification of AI-Generated Paraphrased Content Analysis

The tests, particularly concerning Anthropic’s Claude, yielded unexpected results. This trend continued in the subsequent evaluation focusing on the AI models’ ability to identify each other.

AI Models Identifying Each Other’s Content

The results of the subsequent evaluation revealed how proficient each AI model was in identifying content generated by other AI designs.

Will the models excel in identifying Bard’s content given its potentially higher artifact generation?

The findings indicated that Bard’s content was the most easily identifiable among the AI models.

When it came to recognizing ChatGPT-generated content, both Claude and Bard struggled, mirroring ChatGPT’s own challenges in detection.

ChatGPT was marginally better at identifying Claude-generated content compared to Bard, albeit still falling short of optimal performance.

The researchers concluded that self-discovery showed promise as an area of study, particularly since none of the models excelled in recognizing each other’s content.

The diagram below illustrates the outcomes of this specific test:

  • It is important to highlight that the researchers did not claim these findings to be indicative of general AI recognition. The primary focus of the study was to assess the models’ efficacy in self-detecting their generated content, showcasing comparable outcomes to ZeroGPT.

The researchers emphasized:

  • While self-detection demonstrates comparable efficacy to ZeroGPT, it should be noted that this study does not assert the superiority of self-detection over other methods. A comprehensive study comparing various state-of-the-art AI content recognition tools would be necessary to draw such a conclusion. This study solely examines the fundamental self-discovery potential of the models.

Limitations and Insights

The study findings underscore the complexity of identifying AI-generated content. Bard demonstrated proficiency in detecting both its original and paraphrased content.

ChatGPT excelled in identifying its unique content but faced challenges in detecting paraphrased versions.

Claude’s standout feature was its inconsistency in self-detection. Despite struggling with self-identification, it managed to identify copied content unexpectedly.

ZeroGPT and other AI models encountered difficulties in identifying Claude’s original and paraphrased essays.

Regarding Claude, the researchers made the following observations:

  • The inconclusive nature of the results warrants further investigation, as it may stem from the model’s ability to produce text with minimal discernible artifacts. Achieving fewer, harder-to-detect artifacts signifies progress towards human-like text generation, which is the ultimate goal of these techniques.
  • Structural variations, training methodologies, and fine-tuning processes may influence the model’s inherent capability for self-detection.

The researchers also noted the following regarding Claude:

  • Claude’s undetectability sets it apart, suggesting that it may produce text with fewer discernible artifacts compared to other models.
  • The consistency in self-discovery trends indicates that Claude’s text contains fewer artifacts, making it challenging to differentiate from human-written content.

The intriguing aspect is that Claude, unlike the other models with higher success rates, struggled to self-detect its original content. This finding suggests that further studies should explore larger datasets encompassing a wider array of AI-generated text, test additional AI models, compare various AI detectors, and investigate how training methodologies impact detection rates. The researchers highlighted that self-discovery remains a compelling avenue for future research.

For further details, the abstract and original research paper can be accessed here:

Big language models based on transformers and AI information self-discovery

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