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### Unresolved Issues in AI Advancements

A year after ChatGPT, advances on so many fronts yet many lingering questions.

We have witnessed significant advancements in LLMs since the introduction of ChatGPT by OpenAI a year ago. However, several critical issues remain unresolved. Meta released LLaMA in February 2023, followed by GPT-4 in March of the same year, alongside Bloomberg GT, Dolly 2.0, and BingChat in April. Subsequently, PaLM2 was launched in May, LlaMA2 in July, and so forth. The value of Meta AI lies in its Open-Source designs, which dispelled concerns about a monopoly in LLMs that some attributed to OpenAI. Recently, Google unveiled Gemini, which my colleagues believe is a dependable alternative to GPT-4. The rapid progress in this field has sparked a growing interest in regulating these technologies. On October 30, 2023, President Biden signed an Executive Order focusing on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, the European Parliament adopted the EU AI Act, outlining the initial regulations on artificial intelligence.

Undoubtedly, these advancements have showcased remarkable capabilities.

Upon joining a conference call 20 minutes later, I requested Microsoft Teams to provide me with updates on the proceedings, which it did accurately. Towards the end of the call, a colleague inquired about Arun’s remarks and commitment. Teams responded cautiously, stating they couldn’t evaluate Arun’s performance based on the available data. However, Teams did mention that Arun arrived slightly late, expressed regret, and offered valuable insights on leveraging conceptual AI and other tools to enhance the income management program. Furthermore, Arun praised Ruchi’s work, inquired about her comfort level with the program, and added a touch of humor regarding his copilot analogy, along with comments on the purchasing process and translation service. Impressive!

A specialized GPT developed by a colleague is aiding in analyzing income calls. This GPT can swiftly provide insights on a company’s performance metrics, its board, senior executives, and their relationships, among other aspects.

Despite the strengths of these LLMs, there is still much to learn about them. These complex neural networks, with billions of parameters trained on vast datasets to predict the next word based on context, exhibit remarkable intelligence in understanding nuanced questions. The breadth of tasks these models can perform is nothing short of magical and awe-inspiring. The question “How did it accomplish that?” continues to linger a year later.

While these models are prone to errors and vulnerabilities, ongoing research aims to address these challenges. A recent document titled “Extracting Training Data from ChatGPT” explored the potential risks associated with extracting sensitive information from language models. Although safeguards have been implemented, further research is essential to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

The pace of innovation in the AI industry is relentless, with new products, services, and systems continually emerging. Custom GPTs tailored for specific functions are becoming increasingly prevalent, enabling both startups and tech giants to adapt existing technologies to meet diverse customer needs. As the industry evolves, questions arise about the sustainability and ethical implications of AI technologies.

The environmental impact of AI technologies is also a growing concern. Studies suggest that AI models like GPT-3 can have a significant carbon footprint, raising questions about the sustainability of these technologies. Ethical considerations surrounding AI development and its alignment with human values remain key areas of debate and exploration.

In conclusion, the potential of AI technology is vast, but uncertainties persist regarding its ethical, environmental, and societal implications. As we navigate these uncharted territories, it is crucial to approach AI development with a balanced perspective, considering both the opportunities and challenges it presents.

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Last modified: February 4, 2024
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