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### Unveiling How AI Boosts Dating and Social Media Scams: Insights from EU Authorities

Artificial intelligence enables criminals to target thousands of victims at once, say Europol exper…

According to authorities from Europol, the increase in dating and social media app scams is fueled by artificial intelligence advancements and geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Experts specializing in major financial crimes at The Guardian have noted that criminals are utilizing AI-generated scripts to target multiple victims concurrently.

Sebastian Bley, who heads Europol’s financial crime unit in The Hague, has raised an alarming issue where individuals falsely pose as doctors in conflict zones, soliciting funds to be moved from these regions under the pretext of community aid.

Europol’s Burkhard Mühl, responsible for overseeing financial and economic offenses, highlighted cases involving significant sums of money in fraudulent activities.

Additionally, a cautionary alert has been issued regarding the proliferation of “bogus boss” scams, wherein fraudsters establish intricate networks of counterfeit websites, resumes, and investor profiles to dupe unsuspecting targets, resulting in substantial financial losses and, tragically, even fatalities.

The European Union’s law enforcement agency is actively monitoring these fraudulent trends to effectively combat organized global deceit. Mühl emphasized the escalating misuse of advanced speech technologies such as ChatGPT by scammers to refine their deceptive strategies.

Mühl advised against transferring money to individuals lacking verified professional associations, pointing out instances of substantial financial losses and the risk of being re-victimized by deceitful advisors.

Both Bley and Mühl stressed the significance of reporting crimes to law enforcement, acknowledging the likelihood of underreporting due to victims’ emotional turmoil and the multifaceted repercussions of financial fraud.

The integration of AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, has transformed the scope and efficacy of fraudulent schemes, empowering scammers to reach a wider audience with tailored messages in diverse languages and storylines.

Europol suspects that Europe is an attractive target for external fraudsters due to its affluent populace and economic stability, with instances of sophisticated fraud schemes involving impersonation and intricate financial maneuvers.

In conclusion, the collaborative endeavors of law enforcement agencies and heightened public consciousness play a pivotal role in combating the evolving landscape of financial scams driven by technological progressions.

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Last modified: January 10, 2024
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