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### Forecast: Merely 10% of Companies to Implement Advanced AI Concepts by 2023

Most companies are still in the research or testing phase of incorporating generative AI.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT commemorated its one-year anniversary. The field of generative AI remains a popular topic, yet many businesses are still in the early stages of exploration.

Cnvrg reported that a significant number of businesses are in the process of researching or experimenting with integrating relational AI into their operations. This insight is based on io, an Intel company, which published its annual ML Insider global survey for 2023. The survey revealed that only 10% of businesses have implemented generative AI solutions, while 25% are in the process of developing pilot projects for specific use cases.

The conclusions drawn from the survey are the result of input from 430 AI and ML experts, including data scientists, engineering/DevOps professionals, and software developers across various industries such as IT, finance, banking, security, healthcare, education, mechanics, and telecommunications. Notably, half of the respondents represented businesses with 600 or more employees.

The study indicated that 75% of respondents noted that their companies have not utilized generative AI models in production within the past year, in contrast to the 25% who have done so. It is important to differentiate between a “model,” which represents standalone generative AI still in its early stages, and a “solution,” which refers to a program incorporating generative AI. The survey highlighted that respondents from the United States (40%) are more inclined to utilize generative AI models compared to those from other countries (22%).

Markus Flierl, the commercial vice president and general manager of Intel Cloud Services, emphasized that despite its nascent stage, generative AI has garnered significant attention in 2023. Organizations may exhibit reluctance in adopting conceptual AI due to the challenges associated with implementing large language models (LLMs).

Intel recently joined the “AI Alliance,” a collaborative effort initiated by IBM and Meta, as reported by Fortune. This move positions Intel against industry players like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon in the realm of AI innovation.

While conceptual AI software such as ChatGPT is relatively new, LLMs are not. The report highlighted that many companies are striving to develop conceptual AI by creating proprietary solutions and customizing them to suit their specific needs. However, 46% of respondents identified the system as the primary obstacle hindering the transformation of LLMs into marketable products, citing challenges related to awareness, costs, and compliance.

Despite these challenges, businesses that have implemented generative AI reported notable benefits, including enhanced customer satisfaction (58%), increased operational efficiency (53%), and cost savings (47%).

Experts caution against hasty adoption of conceptual AI without a thorough assessment of its potential business impact. Alex Singla, senior partner at McKinsey and co-leader of QuantumBlack, emphasized the importance of identifying the core business issues that relational AI can address. Evaluating existing infrastructure and data systems is crucial to determining the feasibility of integrating relational AI effectively.

Looking ahead, Flierl anticipates a rise in the utilization of relational AI as businesses gain access to more cost-effective infrastructure and services.

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Last modified: February 9, 2024
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