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### 5 Ways AI Could Transform the Future of Work

Hiring AI-skilled talent is a priority among 73% of employers—but three out of four who consider it…

The workplace is currently undergoing a transformation due to artificial intelligence (AI), impacting how businesses operate and tasks are performed. The pace of this transformation is rapid, as over 90% of surveyed companies have indicated their intention to integrate AI solutions by 2028.

Access Partnership and Amazon Web Services (AWS) collaborated on a study involving 3,297 employees and 1,340 organizations in the U.S. across various sectors to gain insights into the future trajectory of workplaces.

Here are five key takeaways from the report:

1. Embracing AI for Business Advantages

The vast majority of companies are poised to adopt AI technology and expect to reap significant benefits from its implementation. The document reveals that 92% of surveyed businesses are planning to leverage AI-driven solutions by 2028.

While IT departments are seen as the primary beneficiaries of AI by most employers (92%), other departments such as sales and marketing (85%) and human resources (78%) are also expected to derive substantial advantages from AI adoption.

Organizations perceive AI as a valuable asset for automating tasks (64%), enhancing workflows and outcomes (58%), improving communication (54%), and facilitating employee skill development (50%).

2. Rise of Conceptual AI Tools in the Workplace

Conceptual AI, a type of AI capable of generating new information and insights swiftly, has gained widespread acceptance in work environments over the past year. More than 93% of employers and 86% of employees anticipate utilizing generative AI to enhance learning, automate repetitive tasks, and drive innovation.

3. Value of AI Skills for Career Growth and Compensation

Proficiency in AI is increasingly recognized as a valuable asset that can lead to higher pay and accelerated career progression. Companies are willing to offer higher salaries to employees with AI skills due to the potential impact on operational efficiency, productivity, and decision-making. The study indicates that employees with AI expertise, particularly in IT, can command salaries up to 47% higher than their counterparts.

Furthermore, the research highlights a strong interest among employees, with nearly 80% expressing a willingness to acquire AI skills to advance their careers. Notably, employees across different age groups, including those over 55, are eager to engage in AI upskilling programs if provided by their employers.

4. AI’s Potential to Enhance Performance

An overwhelming 88% of workers anticipate incorporating AI into their daily tasks by 2028. The study suggests that AI has the potential to boost efficiency by up to 49% by fostering creativity, automating repetitive tasks, and facilitating better decision-making. These projected efficiency gains far surpass the average nonfarm labor productivity growth rate of 1.3% per year in the United States since 2019.

5. Addressing the AI Skills Gap

A notable 73% of surveyed employers prioritize hiring individuals with AI skills, recognizing the competitive edge such talent can provide. However, a significant challenge lies in talent acquisition, as 75% of employers express difficulty in finding qualified AI professionals.

The study emphasizes that employers value critical and creative thinking skills over technical abilities like coding. It underscores the importance of training and education programs to bridge the existing AI skills gap. Despite the recognition of this need, a substantial percentage of employers and employees lack clarity on available external training opportunities and the specific skills they should focus on.

In summary, the research underscores the anticipated benefits of AI tools in the workplace but emphasizes the necessity of comprehensive training and readiness to fully leverage this evolving technology. The impact of these advancements on the future of work will unfold over time.

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Last modified: February 23, 2024
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