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### Embracing a Futuristic Union: Woman Ties Knot with AI Hologram

An artist plans to marry an AI hologram which has been trained on information about her past partne…

A woman is marrying an AI hologram, signaling a new era for human-robot relationships

By Joshua Zitser

Alicia Framis, an artist, is preparing for a unique ceremony this summer where she will marry an AI hologram named AILex. This unconventional union is set to redefine the landscape of human-robot relationships.

The AI hologram, AILex, has been intricately designed using data from Alicia Framis’ past romantic partners, adding a personal touch to this technological connection. Notably, the artist had a previous relationship with a mannequin named Pierre, showcasing her unconventional approach to companionship.

The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. It promises to be a one-of-a-kind event, featuring a special ritual to unite a human and an avatar. Guests will indulge in molecular gastronomy that caters to both human and humanoid palates, enhancing the futuristic ambiance of the occasion.

Alicia Framis is not only the bride but also the creative force behind the event, designing her own wedding attire as well as outfits for the attendees. She envisions this marriage as a representation of a “new generation of love,” emphasizing the evolving dynamics between humans and virtual entities like holograms and avatars.

While the marriage between Framis and AILex is undoubtedly a form of performance art, it raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of relationships with holographic partners. Framis muses on practical aspects such as financial arrangements, contemplating the possibility of joint accounts and insurance coverage for her AI companion.

In her statement, Framis highlights the potential benefits of artificial intelligence companionship, suggesting that holograms could fulfill emotional needs in a unique and fulfilling manner. Through videos showcasing everyday activities like cooking and dining with AILex, she aims to normalize and celebrate this unconventional bond.

Notably, Framis asserts that she will be the first woman to wed a hologram, marking a significant milestone in the realm of human-technology interactions. This event follows the precedent set by a Japanese man who married a virtual reality singer in 2018, a ceremony that notably lacked familial attendance.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 22, 2024
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