Written by 5:25 pm AI, Discussions

– Should We Trust Artificial Intelligence to Sustain Our Existence?

In the near future humanity is doomed and our options are being determined by AI simulation – unfor…

This remarkable science fiction thriller pays homage to the introspective teleplays and low-budget films that captivated audiences in the 1960s. It exudes an atmosphere of dim lighting and dystopian pessimism, reminiscent of classics like “Seconds” and “On the Beach” from 1959, although it doesn’t quite reach their caliber. Nevertheless, the film holds its own, tackling a relevant thematic backdrop.

Set a few decades ahead, the storyline unfolds in a future where humanity grapples with irreversible planetary damage. Forced to confront this stark reality, mankind embarks on a journey to establish colonies beyond Earth, commencing with lunar settlements. Guiding this vision for the future is Jay AI, a sophisticated system that orchestrates simulations and strategic solutions. The narrative unfolds in a disjointed fashion, interwoven with fabricated documentary footage.

The plot takes a dramatic turn within the confines of a rural dwelling, reminiscent of those featured on “Grand Designs,” where Sam (portrayed by Kemi-Bo Jacobs) and Anderson (played by the familiar face of Simon Merrells) reside. Anderson is slated to lead the upcoming lunar mission scheduled for the next day. Their tranquil evening is disrupted by Sam’s colleague, Charlie (enacted by Hermione Corfield), who raises concerns about Jay’s simulations proposing an unexpected voyage to Jupiter’s moon Europa and a daunting expedition to Alpha Centauri spanning a million days. Suspicion mounts within the group as they question Jay’s motives and potential deviation from the original plan.

The narrative primarily unfolds within the confines of Sam and Anderson’s abode, interspersed with moonlit strolls outside in search of a lost canine and a harrowing depiction of a space-related mishap using practical effects. The simplicity of the dialogue aptly complements the vast temporal and spatial scopes explored in the storyline. However, a more fluid and refined script could have alleviated the cumbersome exposition-laden segments, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 11, 2024
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