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### Doctors Believe A.I. Does Not Follow Set Formulas

In a recent survey, 88% of physicians said it was “very likely” or “somewhat like…

One profession facing significant challenges with the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence tools is the medical field. According to a Medscape survey, 88% of doctors expressed concerns that the use of A.I. tools like ChatGPT or Bing could lead to patients receiving inaccurate medical information. Additionally, 89% of doctors were worried that patients might prioritize the recommendations generated by these tools over those provided by their healthcare providers.

In terms of integrating artificial intelligence into their practices, 56% of respondents viewed A.I. as having a “support” role, particularly for tasks such as office administration, staffing, and patient scheduling. However, the majority of doctors were hesitant to embrace A.I. as a diagnostic tool.

Interestingly, family doctors exhibited greater apprehension about utilizing A.I. for diagnostic purposes during their training compared to specialists like practitioners and radiologists.

In a separate development, Google Maps has introduced updates to provide users with detailed walking directions to metro stations, including guidance on which entrance to use. This feature is currently available in 80 cities worldwide, with New York being among the locations covered by this functionality.

On the financial front, investment firms are issuing cyber crisis bonds to mitigate the risks associated with cyberattacks affecting public debt markets. This move comes as insurers are scaling back digital insurance coverage due to the escalating costs of addressing cyber threats. Investors who opt for these bonds stand to potentially gain double-digit returns, subject to fluctuations based on the frequency of cyber incidents.

Moreover, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a cautionary statement concerning undisclosed payments for endorsements. The warning targeted an advocacy group involving major brands like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, as well as influential wellness bloggers on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The FTC highlighted the group’s failure to disclose payments received for promoting artificial sweeteners or sugary products, setting a new precedent for transparency in social media marketing collaborations.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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