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– Dallas Company Behind “He Gets Us” Jesus Super Bowl Ads

For the second year in a row, a religious Super Bowl ad campaign created by a Dallas-based advertis…

A spiritual advertisement aired during the Super Bowl, created by a marketing firm based in Dallas, emphasized Jesus’s message of universal love and understanding for the second consecutive year.

The commercial showcased diverse scenes, including individuals washing feet outside a family planning clinic and patrons at a Dallas dive bar pondering the question, “Who is my neighbor?” The campaign, known as He Gets Us, aimed to convey Jesus’s inclusive love for all, regardless of differences in beliefs or backgrounds.

Greg Miller, a spokesperson for the campaign, highlighted the goal of showcasing Jesus’s compassion for everyone, which resonated with viewers as evidenced by the high viewership of 715,000 within 24 hours.

The company behind the advertisement, LERMA/, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share Jesus’s message of forgiveness, unity, and love on a grand stage like the Super Bowl. The cost of the combined 60- and 15-second commercials was estimated at $17.5 million, as reported by AdWeek.

Despite the campaign’s positive message, critics raised concerns about the campaign’s Christian funders’ involvement in anti-LGBT+ and anti-abortion causes, potentially conflicting with the campaign’s progressive themes.

Notably, the campaign’s oversight has transitioned from the Servant Foundation to a new nonprofit named Travel Near, emphasizing innovative ways to spread Jesus’s teachings and love.

The campaign’s website addresses common inquiries regarding its stance on the LGBTQ+ community, affirming that everyone is welcome to explore Jesus’s teachings, including gay and transgender individuals.

Looking ahead, the “He Gets Us” campaign plans to participate in various cultural events, such as political conventions, NFL reviews, and the Paris Olympics, to continue promoting Jesus’s message of love and inclusivity.

In a similar vein, other faith-based commercials aired during the Super Bowl, including a Scientology ad inviting viewers to learn more about their beliefs and a Catholic prayer app spot featuring Mark Wahlberg.

The Church of Scientology, known for its promotional efforts during the Super Bowl, aims to introduce viewers to its teachings and charitable initiatives through engaging advertisements.

While Scientology has notable adherents like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, controversies surrounding the church, as highlighted by actor Leah Remini, have sparked public debate regarding its practices and treatment of dissenting voices.

The intersection of faith and sports, exemplified by gestures of faith in the NFL, including prayer and displays of gratitude after scoring, underscores the ongoing influence of religion in sports culture.

Overall, the “He Gets Us” campaign seeks to inspire individuals to explore the story of Jesus, transcending religious boundaries, with the Super Bowl platform serving as a powerful medium to reach diverse audiences.

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Tags: Last modified: March 18, 2024
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