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**Warning from Bank Regulator: AI Risks Alerting Financial Institutions**

The Comptroller of the Currency’s National Risk Committee flagged the emergence of artificial…

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A prominent federal banking regulator is cautioning banks about the potential risks associated with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their operations.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) within the Treasury Department, responsible for overseeing national banks, federal savings associations, and branches of foreign banks, issued a semi-annual risk report highlighting AI as an emerging risk that financial institutions need to consider when implementing AI tools for internal and customer-facing purposes.

Advancements in computing power, data availability, and analytical techniques have expanded the opportunities for banks to leverage AI for various risk management and operational functions, including customer service chatbots, fraud detection, and credit assessment.

The OCC warns of multiple risks associated with AI adoption, such as data accuracy issues, reliance on extensive datasets, potential biases, privacy concerns, third-party risks, security vulnerabilities, and consumer protection issues. The use of generative AI models may introduce additional risks, including the generation of plausible but incorrect responses.

As regulatory frameworks for AI usage are being developed by government agencies, the OCC issues this cautionary statement in response to President Biden’s call for regulatory action on AI technologies. While acknowledging the benefits AI can bring in terms of cost reduction, efficiency improvement, product enhancement, risk management, and expanded access to financial services, the OCC also highlights the challenges related to compliance, credit, and reputation risks that widespread AI adoption may pose.

Financial institutions are encouraged to manage AI applications prudently, aligning with the specific risks associated with AI-supported activities. The OCC stresses the importance of identifying, measuring, monitoring, and mitigating AI-related risks in a manner consistent with existing risk management and compliance standards, even in the absence of specific AI regulatory guidelines for financial institutions.

Emphasizing its technology-neutral stance, the OCC supports banks in exploring safe and effective uses of emerging technologies like AI. The organization pledges to stay vigilant in monitoring the evolving landscape of AI applications, including innovative uses of AI technology.

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Last modified: February 4, 2024
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