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### Exposing Nationwide False Pornographic Video Scandal with 14-Year-Old Mother, Morelle

The mother of a 14-year-old girl whose fake image was used in a pornographic video is talking to us…

In the ongoing discussions with the family of a 14-year-old girl whose image was falsely depicted in an explicit video, collaborative efforts with Representative Joe Morelle are being made to designate the exploitation of minors in such a manner as a federal offense, among other objectives.

Brean, what motivates you to broach this delicate and private matter concerning your family at this juncture?

Dorota Mani, originally from New Jersey, shared her viewpoint: “There are multiple dynamics at play. The scenario is complex. Primarily, it stemmed from my daughter’s plea. I strongly believe that as adults, especially as women and mothers, we should not wait for a crisis to unfold before taking a stand.”

In October, a pornographic video emerged featuring manipulated visuals of Dorota Mani’s daughter, a high school attendee in New Jersey.

After participating in a community event that involved a sidewalk chalk demonstration, both Mani and her daughter felt empowered to raise their voices against this injustice.

Approaching the issue courageously, Mani stated, “The onus should lie with the wrongdoers. They must face the consequences.” She stressed the significance of speaking up against such transgressions.

Subsequently, Mani engaged in conversations with Rep. Morelle, who is leading an effort to criminalize the unauthorized utilization of altered content for malicious intents.

Brean inquired, “Nevertheless, is such behavior not presently illegal?”

Morelle replied, “That is accurate. It is rather surprising that it is not, chiefly due to the recent advancements in this technology.”

Demonstrating the simplicity with which these deceptive actions can be carried out, a postgraduate student from the University of Rochester secured funding for his study on deepfake detection. Using Mani’s case as an example, they highlighted the ease of replicating an individual’s voice, posing a threat to the careers of professionals like stand-up comedians who rely on authenticity.

Tim Powers commented, “The proliferation of this technology is concerning! It not only undermines my profession but also intrudes on personal privacy.”

Morelle emphasized that 96 percent of the identified deepfake cases relate to explicit material, necessitating prompt legislative measures to tackle this prevalent issue.

He stressed the seriousness of the matter, deeming it a pressing concern that requires immediate attention and widespread awareness among the populace.

The initial stages of Morelle’s legislative propositions are presently being debated in Congress.

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Last modified: February 7, 2024
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