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### Embracing Change: The Impact of Automation and AI on Our Perception

Perry’s new book, “Perspective Agents”, suggests that a new world media order is indeed upon us, an…

The phrase “New World Order” has become commonly used to describe a drastically transformed world. In his latest publication, “Perspective Agents,” Chris Perry proposes that a new world order is emerging, facilitated by advancements in technology and media platforms.

Perry argues that we are on the brink of an autonomous era characterized by two simultaneous revolutions. The first revolution revolves around technological advancements, where machines generate their own content. The second revolution is a deeply human pursuit, as individuals seek meaning in unconventional ways.

The book is divided into three sections that guide readers through a transformative journey. It begins by exploring the shifting nature of perception, progresses to examine the profound impact on human beliefs regarding work, identity, and relationships, and concludes with practical advice on adapting to this evolving world.

Perry’s exploration of “Perspective Agents” commenced in 2019 amid a backdrop of media turbulence and societal unrest. Collaborating with the Institute for the Future, he recognized the inadequacy of traditional sense-making approaches in a world marked by complexity and contradiction. Fueled by the acceleration of trends due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Perry embarked on a four-year quest for introspection and dialogue to navigate the challenges of an autonomous future and pave the way for a more coherent world.

At the core of Perry’s argument lies the significance of perspective as a vital skill in the contemporary landscape. In a realm saturated with generative AI, spatial computing, and evolving social media dynamics, cultivating perspective is essential for navigating the autonomous age. Perry emphasizes the importance of embracing a new mindset that aligns with the innovative technologies shaping our world.

The book delves into the concept of world-building in the era of spatial computing, challenging conventional narratives and unveiling the limitless possibilities ahead. Perry also sheds light on platforms like Blackbird.ai, which are reshaping our understanding of narrative dissemination and its influence on public discourse.

To embrace new perspectives offered by emerging technologies and artificial intelligence, Perry advises allocating resources, assigning responsibilities, and investing in exploring these technological advancements diligently. He stresses the need to view these tools not just as productivity enhancers but as vehicles for unlocking potential through a refined perspective.

Perry encourages leaders to experiment with novel perspective tools, emphasizing the importance of firsthand experience, especially in realms like spatial computing. Understanding the impact of media consumption on one’s perspective is crucial for leaders navigating the evolving landscape of AI and technology.

“Perspective Agents” serves as a roadmap of the media landscape we currently inhabit and the uncharted territories we are approaching in the autonomous era. It envisions a future where autonomy permeates every aspect of life, underscoring the necessity for individuals to adapt their perspectives to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Perspective Agents by Chris Perry, published by Fast Company Press, 2024. Available on Amazon U.S. Disclaimer: The reviewer’s commentary is featured on the book cover.

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