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### Enhancing Copywriting Efficiency: AI Outperforms Solely Human Efforts

A small-scale study found AI-generated content lightly edited by humans had a 26% more effective cl…

As news organizations and online platforms increasingly integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their content creation processes, writers may understandably feel concerned about the potential for their roles to be replaced. However, rather than viewing AI as a threat, a recent study conducted by AI company Pencil suggests that a collaborative approach between humans and AI could be the key to future success. The study, though conducted on a small scale, revealed that content that was a result of a joint effort between AI and human editors demonstrated a 26% higher click-through rate compared to content solely created by humans without AI involvement.

According to Will Hanschell, co-founder of Pencil, the study was designed as an A/B test focusing on practical application rather than extensive research. The experiment, which centered on crafting Facebook ad copy for a beauty client in Singapore, tested four variations of copy: entirely AI-generated, human-written based on AI suggestions, AI-generated and lightly edited by humans, and entirely human-generated content.

Hanschell emphasized that the control group consisted of existing Facebook ad copy, not meticulously curated or extensively tested content. By leveraging AI to generate content options, the study revealed that AI-influenced copy led to an 11% increase in click-through rate, while content solely authored by AI resulted in a 19% increase. However, the most significant impact was observed with AI-generated content that was refined by human editors, showing a notable 26% boost in click-through rates.

The objective, as Hanschell articulated, is to make AI an accessible tool that writers can utilize collaboratively without feeling threatened by its capabilities. By embracing and understanding the technology’s strengths and limitations, writers can enhance their skills and adapt alongside advancing AI capabilities. This approach not only fosters a symbiotic relationship with AI but also ensures that individuals remain integral to the content creation process.

For further insights into the transformative influence of AI, explore our articles on how AI is revolutionizing HR practices and shedding light on gender-specific brain variances.

Picture Credit: Photo by Sunil Ray; Unsplash

Charlotte Colombo

Freelance Journalist

Charlotte Colombo, a versatile freelance journalist, has contributed to publications such as Metro.co.uk, Radio Times, The Independent, Daily Dot, Glamour, Stylist, and VICE. With previous roles as a Staff Writer at The Digital Fix and engagements with Business Insider and Dexerto, she brings a wealth of experience in digital culture and entertainment journalism. Charlotte’s expertise spans technology, influencers, niche internet subcultures, and more, showcased through appearances on BBC Radio 5 and The Guardian podcast.

She holds a Master’s degree in Magazine Journalism from City, University of London and has been actively freelancing for three years, demonstrating proficiency in a diverse range of topics including technology, digital culture, entertainment, lifestyle, and neurodiversity.

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Tags: Last modified: February 21, 2024
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