Written by 3:14 am Deepfakes

**AI Revives Trump’s Father to Condemn Him as a Shame**

A new attack ad uses AI to summon up footage of Donald Trump’s long-deceased dad to excoriate…

“I’m embarrassed you bear my name.”

Issues with the Father

During the previous election cycle, deepfakes posed a potential threat, but this time around, their impact on discourse appears inevitable.

The presence of AI-generated visuals and audio doesn’t always lead to mistaken identity. Experts highlight that it provides a new alibi for politicians caught making inappropriate remarks; they can simply attribute the embarrassing content to AI manipulation.

One prominent figure who has fully embraced this narrative is the former president and current defendant, Donald Trump. He has repeatedly made baseless claims that authentic videos and images depicting him were artificially created.

Interestingly, the Lincoln Project, a political group critical of Trump that he falsely accused of using AI to produce unfavorable content, has turned the tables by utilizing AI to resurrect Trump’s deceased father in a scathing attack advertisement.

In the AI-generated depiction, Fred Trump, who passed away in 1999, admonishes his son, saying, “Donny, I always knew you’d fail. I bailed you out countless times. Your business ventures were all failures. You couldn’t even profit from a casino, you disappointment. I’m embarrassed you bear my name.”

Paternal Presence

The AI-generated Fred Trump continues to berate his offspring.

“It’s common knowledge why your relationships fall apart,” the virtual figure remarks. “You’re dull, destitute, and I warned you about letting yourself go. You engage with adult film actresses, and you lack strength in that department. Your children despise you, especially the daughter. How did my son end up so foolish? The reputation I established has been tarnished because of you. You’re worthless. Staying out of prison would be a stroke of luck for you.”

While an AI-generated attack ad like this may not contribute to constructive political discourse, the Lincoln Project’s transparency in acknowledging the use of AI sets it apart from other controversies, such as the AI-generated voice of Joe Biden used for robocalls in New Hampshire or the manipulated audio of a New York City assemblymember disparaging colleagues.

The AI-generated Fred Trump concludes, “I’ve been deceased for three decades, and yet, I’m still mortified by you.”

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Tags: Last modified: February 18, 2024
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