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### AI Matchmaker: From Swipe to Wedding Bells

With AI now ubiquitous across the world’s top dating apps, some think we’re headed for the Twilight…

In the realm of popular dating apps, AI’s ubiquity is undeniable, sparking contrasting views on the trajectory we are embarking upon. While some view this trend with trepidation, drawing parallels to the eerie realms of the Twilight Zone, others harbor newfound optimism, believing that love is now more attainable than ever before.

Authored by Alexandra S. Levine, Forbes Staff

Aleksandr Zhadan, a discerning individual residing in Russia, harbored specific preferences when it came to potential matches on Tinder. He harbored an aversion to women flaunting bouquets in their profile pictures, deeming it a manifestation of excessive ego—a sentiment akin to the infamous trend of men showcasing their fishing conquests on American dating apps.

Moreover, Zhadan was resolute in his decision to avoid engaging with women deeply entrenched in religious beliefs, astrology aficionados, or those without professional pursuits.

To streamline this process, he ingeniously devised AI-powered bots to filter out unsuitable matches.

Reflecting on his past relationship and the clarity it bestowed upon his romantic aspirations, the 23-year-old AI product manager, known as Sasha, articulated his desire to find a compatible partner without enduring the exhaustive cycle of numerous dates and profile scrutinization on Tinder. In 2022, he developed an auto-swiper to alleviate this burden. Subsequently, with the advent of ChatGPT, he adeptly programmed it to engage in conversations with his matches. A detailed analysis by Forbes delved into the evolution of Sasha’s AI, showcasing the incremental enhancements he incorporated over several months.

Initially, the bot’s performance left much to be desired—it lacked authenticity and failed to provide coherent responses to basic inquiries. Sasha, undeterred, embarked on a mission to refine his ‘Tinder talker.’ He curated a database comprising his own past conversations on the app, encompassing keywords, questions, and responses pertinent to his typical discussions. Leveraging this dataset, he trained the subsequent iteration of his chatbot, concurrently fine-tuning his auto-swiper (fueled by the Torchvision vision model) to screen photos in alignment with his preferences. Notably, he even programmed the AI to disengage from matches criticizing his utilization of ChatGPT for his thesis, a feat that had garnered him local acclaim. To Sasha, such criticism signaled a lack of the essential qualities he sought in a partner: creativity and open-mindedness.

Despite encountering occasional setbacks, notable progress was evident. On one occasion, unbeknownst to Sasha, GPT arranged a date at the local Multimedia Art Museum of Moscow. When Sasha failed to show up, the woman messaged him on Tinder, prompting the bot to reassure her of his imminent arrival, thereby averting any miscommunication.

In December 2022, Sasha’s GPT initiated a conversation with a match residing near Moscow, Karina Vyalshakaeva. Their first in-person meeting transpired in January, although Sasha initially opted against pursuing the relationship. However, a few months later, an enhanced version of his bot, powered by GPT-4, reignited their Tinder dialogue. The bot’s message, “Hi, we haven’t talked for a while. I hope you’re doing well. I was thinking about our conversations and decided to write. How are you?” marked a pivotal turning point in Sasha and Karina’s burgeoning connection.

Karina, aged 22, remained oblivious to the bot’s involvement until over six months later, in November, by which time she and Sasha were cohabiting, and he divulged the truth.

The surge of AI integration in dating apps is not a novel phenomenon. Established platforms like Bumble and Tinder have long harnessed machine learning algorithms to refine potential matches and shield users from unwanted solicitations and fraudulent activities.

However, with the advent of ChatGPT and similar generative AI technologies, entrepreneurs are exploring innovative applications within the dating sphere, garnering swift adoption among individuals seeking companionship. This surge has birthed a myriad of AI-driven solutions, ranging from flirtatious bot companions to AI editors refining dating profiles and photo generators enhancing visual appeal. Notably, a segment even offers users the chance to engage with an AI “girlfriend” modeled after popular influencers.

The widespread integration of AI in the dating landscape has elicited contrasting reactions, with some lamenting the perceived dystopian undertones overshadowing romantic relationships, while others view this juncture as a transformative phase in fostering human connections. A notable percentage of young Americans believe in the predictive prowess of algorithms in discerning romantic compatibility, as per Pew data.

Sarah Kunst, founder of Cleo Capital and a seasoned advisor to Bumble, underscores the potential of AI in revolutionizing dating app dynamics. While acknowledging the likelihood of AI-induced fatigue and misconduct, Kunst accentuates its role in normalizing behaviors that were once stigmatized, thereby broadening their acceptance and integration into mainstream dating culture.

Lindsey Metselaar, host of the renowned dating podcast “We Met At Acme,” lauds AI’s role in rendering dating more manageable for time-strapped individuals and accessible to those seeking guidance but lacking the resources for personalized coaching or matchmaking services.

YourMove AI, positioned as an antidote to the arduous dating app experience, aims to streamline user interactions and expedite the dating process. Since its inception in late 2022, the app has assisted over 250,000 users in crafting compelling profiles, devising engaging conversation starters, and generating visually appealing dating photos tailored for leading platforms. Co-founder Dmitri Mirakyan, drawing from his personal experiences as a self-professed “awkward” individual navigating the dating scene, emphasizes the inclusivity of these tools, particularly benefiting introverted individuals or those grappling with societal shifts.

While acknowledging the inherent risks posed by certain AI tools in exacerbating challenges within online dating platforms, Mirakyan underscores the importance of fostering a sense of safety and empowerment among users, especially those vulnerable to rejection or social anxieties.

In light of these advancements, the dating landscape is witnessing a paradigm shift, with emerging AI startups poised to disrupt the industry. Cristina Vanko’s brainchild, Arrow, an audio-centric dating app mandating users to exchange voice recordings for matchmaking, exemplifies a novel approach to counter the pitfalls of AI-driven interactions. Vanko underscores the significance of authentic voice communication in mitigating the superficiality engendered by AI algorithms, thereby fostering genuine connections based on nuanced conversations and emotional cues.

The proliferation of AI-driven innovations is poised to reshape the dating sphere, with industry giants like Match Group investing substantially in AI-driven features to enhance user experiences and optimize matchmaking algorithms. This technological evolution heralds a new era in dating, characterized by unprecedented advancements and transformative possibilities.

The Quest for Love Amidst AI’s Ascendancy

Sasha’s journey, intertwined with the evolution of his AI companion, culminated in a profound revelation—one that transcended the realms of technology and delved into the intricacies of human emotion. As he embarked on a new chapter with Karina, the lines between human agency and artificial intervention blurred, prompting introspection on the essence of love and connection.

In a momentous gesture orchestrated by his AI creation, Sasha proposed to Karina in Hong Kong, a testament to their enduring bond. Their forthcoming nuptials in August symbolize a union forged through serendipity and technological innovation—a harmonious blend of human sentiment and AI ingenuity.

When pondering the pivotal role played by the bot in their journey, Karina humorously remarked, “I think the bot found me, for Sasha.” Yet, amidst the digital orchestrations that led them together, they aspire to script their wedding vows authentically, embodying the essence of their unique love story.

Rashi Shrivastava and Nina Bambysheva’s contributions enriched this narrative with insightful reporting.

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Tags: , , Last modified: February 27, 2024
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