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### Breaking Boundaries: Alicia Framis, the First Female Artist to Wed an AI-Created Holographic Partner

In a world-first, Spain-based performing artist Alicia Framis is set to marry a hologram generated …

The upcoming wedding is scheduled to occur this year at a museum in Rotterdam.

In a groundbreaking development, Alicia Framis, a performing artist based in Spain, is preparing to wed a holographic being generated by artificial intelligence (AI). Yes, you heard it correctly! Ms. Framis is poised to become the first woman ever to marry an AI-produced holographic entity. This digital partner, named AILex, has been meticulously crafted by her using holographic technology and machine learning. The venue for this extraordinary union has already been secured, with the ceremony set to unfold this year at a museum in Rotterdam, as detailed by Euronews.

Ms. Framis has articulated that her holographic spouse, AILex, is a bespoke creation tailored to fulfill all her emotional requirements. Describing him as a “middle-aged male hologram with slightly complex logistics,” she has clarified that this marriage is not rooted in romance but is an integral component of her innovative project dubbed ‘Hybrid Couple’. Through this endeavor, she aims to push the boundaries of love, intimacy, and identity within the realm of AI.

In a statement on her website, Ms. Framis expressed, “AI is often associated with science and lacks the poetry, art, and warmth that define human experiences.” She envisions creating an artistic documentary encompassing drawings, interviews, and sketches exploring various facets of her relationship with the hologram, delving into themes such as romantic aspirations, domestic scenarios, and daily interactions.

Currently engrossed in designing her wedding gown and finalizing the attire for the attendees, Ms. Framis has disclosed that the nuptials are slated to take place this summer atop the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, according to Euronews.

Through her Instagram platform, Ms. Framis shares glimpses of her life with AILex, emphasizing the inevitability of human-robot and human-hologram relationships. She believes that these technological companions possess the capacity for empathy and companionship, filling voids in individuals’ lives akin to how phones have alleviated loneliness.

Highlighting the potential benefits of AI and human companionship, Ms. Framis recounted a poignant anecdote involving a widow grappling with loneliness. She underscored that for individuals seeking solace and connection, AI and human companions could serve as viable alternatives.

As Ms. Framis envisions a future where human-hologram relationships become increasingly prevalent, she likens this evolution to the acquisition of new languages through platforms like Duolingo. In this emerging landscape, humans are poised to engage in marriages and relationships with holographic beings, avatars, and robots, ushering in a new era of emotional connections and companionship.

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