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### Unique McDonald’s Job Seekers Face Unusual Artificial Personality Tests

AI has come to hiring at McDonald’s and Olive Garden — and it’s made those mandatory pe…

AI has transformed the interview process, bringing about a unique shift in the domain of obligatory personality assessments.

According to 404 Media, prominent companies such as McDonald’s, Olive Garden, and FedEx now mandate personality evaluations for job seekers, which are then scrutinized by an Artificial Intelligence system with somewhat unclear standards.

These specified enterprises have all partnered with Paradox, a company specializing in “conversational interviewing software,” renowned for its unconventional personality assessments featuring images of blue-skinned humanoid aliens that candidates must connect with.

As an example, a Reddit post shared by 404 displays a scene of two purple extraterrestrials in a restaurant kitchen. Candidates are required to select “Me” if the image mirrors their typical behavior and “Not Me” if it does not. One alien is shown preparing ingredients while the other stands beside them, with the word “Standard” presented above them in a folder-like format.

In a moment of frustration, a Reddit user expressed, “I just want a microwave job.”

Emanuel Maiberg, from 404, applied for a bartender position at an Olive Garden establishment in New Mexico to explore this unique assessment process further. He discovered that the “conventional” image was just one of over 80 slides, each more peculiar than the last.

One slide portrayed an alien with a knee injury, presumably from an accident, seated next to a bicycle with the caption “Thing Happen to Me.” Once again, applicants are asked to respond with “Me” or “Not me,” although the implications of such imaginary scenarios remain unclear.

Paradox’s “Traitify” tool, which places candidates into “Big Five” or “OCEAN” personality categories based on these unconventional slides, is reportedly integrated into Olive Garden’s evaluations.

While the effectiveness of such personality assessments, increasingly adopted in recruitment processes, has sparked debates, companies investing significant resources in HR testing like this are unlikely to pay heed to academic criticisms.

After completing the assessment, Maiberg received an elaborate five-page summary labeling him as a “producer” who is “self-reliant and skilled at self-assessment,” showing indifference towards additional perks.

Interestingly, the comprehensive “Traitify” quiz is not part of Paradox’s services, unlike the Olivia bot created to guide users through the application process and assist managers in sifting through applications.

The chatbot, depicted as the “Executive Director of the Arizona Coyotes Foundation” in her “alternate existence,” radiates a passion for community service and exceptional customer service. Despite its mysterious demeanor, the chatbot’s criteria for recommendations remain undisclosed, much like the enigma surrounding Olivia’s effectiveness.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 2, 2024
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