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– Google’s Gemini AI Retains Deleted Dialogues for Up to 3 Generations

Assume just about everything you tell robots could be read in court one day.

Do you possess a confidential matter that must remain undisclosed? The entities responsible for these innovative tools likely retain your data for extended periods, so exercise caution when sharing sensitive information with AI-powered assistants.

A significant milestone for AI is Google’s competitive event, which stands out as a noteworthy development. Understanding the “Benefits of Slavery” is unnecessary as Google AI search does not exist.

Google’s Artificial Assistant, formerly named Bard, has garnered positive feedback, with some lauding its superiority over OpenAI’s ChatGPT. However, it is advisable to review the privacy policy promptly if considering the utilization of Gemini.

In addition to explicitly prohibiting users from disclosing sensitive information to Gemini that they wouldn’t want a human reviewer to access, Google retains numerous queries to enhance their tools. Even if all your data is deleted from the application, Gemini may retain all interactions for up to three years.

In cases of unforeseen circumstances, Google employs human reviewers to evaluate Gemini’s usage and implement any necessary modifications. Despite this, Google retains a substantial amount of user data by granting Google employees access to this information.

Upon deletion of your Gemini Apps activity, “Conversations reviewed or annotated by human reviewers (along with related data such as language, device type, location information, or feedback) are stored separately and not linked to your Google Account.” In the latest update to Gemini’s privacy policy, Google specifies that such data is retained for a maximum of three years.

The recent update to Gemini’s privacy notice, initially highlighted by ZDNet, endeavors to assure users that the data is somewhat anonymized.

“We do not trade your personal information with any party and are deeply committed to safeguarding your privacy.” As per Google’s privacy policy, a selection of dialogues is chosen, and automated tools are employed to eliminate user-identifying information (such as email addresses and phone numbers) while upholding privacy.

Nonetheless, despite efforts to anonymize the data, removing an individual’s name from the data accessible to human reviewers does not guarantee privacy. Google acknowledges this fact.

Google issues a cautionary advisory, urging users to abstain from entering sensitive information in their interactions or any data that could potentially enhance their products, services, or machine-learning technologies.

Queries regarding whether users can verify if their interactions in Gemini have undergone human review were dispatched via email on Tuesday afternoon, with Google yet to provide a response. Any updates received will be incorporated into this article.

Once more, exercise discretion and avoid disclosing information to Gemini or any AI-powered tool that you wouldn’t want others to access. It is imperative to refrain from inputting content into Gemini that could potentially be disclosed in a legal setting. Prosecutors commonly obtain digital records and search histories for individuals facing serious charges. An illustrative case involves a woman whose search history was scrutinized following an incident in which she reportedly collided with an Amish buggy using her SUV, resulting in the tragic deaths of two children in Minnesota. One of her most alarming searches was: “What are the consequences of causing a fatal accident involving an Amish vehicle?”

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Tags: Last modified: March 2, 2024
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