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### Enhance Your Resume to Excel in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

More hiring managers are using artificial intelligence to screen job applications. A guide to help …

The Growing Role of Artificial Intelligence in Assessing Job Applications: A Guide to Navigate the Screening Process

As the season for performance reviews approaches, individuals nationwide find themselves in a mix of anticipation and apprehension. These reviews often dictate the trajectory of one’s career—whether to continue with the current organization or pursue personal career aspirations.

The onset of a new fiscal year also brings forth fresh opportunities for those entering the workforce.

In today’s fiercely competitive landscape, capturing the attention of hiring managers poses a significant challenge. Crafting a well-structured resume is essential to make a strong initial impression. However, amidst the myriad of resume formats and conflicting advice available, where does one begin?

Yadhu Kishore Nandikolla, the Human Resources head at MassMutual India, an IT services and consulting company based in Hyderabad, emphasizes the importance of authenticity. He advocates for creating a CV that goes beyond surface-level details and truly represents the individual to prospective employers, presenting compelling reasons for why they are the ideal candidate. According to Nandikolla, authenticity is key to showcasing the real “you.”

In an era where many organizations utilize artificial intelligence systems to sift through numerous resumes, the challenge lies in ensuring that your resume stands out and remains memorable.

Harnessing the Power of Keywords

Bhakti Talati, a resume coach from Mumbai, underscores the significance of incorporating relevant keywords to prevent your resume from getting lost in the sea of applications.

Keywords, as Talati explains, are specific phrases, words, and actions that align with the job requirements. By meticulously studying the job description and incorporating essential keywords under skill, responsibility, and qualification sections, applicants can increase their chances of being recognized. Talati stresses the importance of using the exact phrases mentioned in the job description to enhance the suitability of the resume. Understanding the company’s language and values by exploring their website and LinkedIn profiles can provide valuable insights into selecting the right keywords. Additionally, industry-specific terminology and jargon play a crucial role in keyword optimization.

Srikanth Reddy, a talent acquisition manager at Progress, a software company in Hyderabad, advises applicants to strike a balance when including keywords in their resumes. He emphasizes the need to focus on genuine inclusion of skills and achievements rather than solely catering to algorithms. By aligning with the key competencies outlined in the job description, applicants can effectively highlight their qualifications.

In today’s competitive job market, simply listing job responsibilities and objectives is no longer sufficient. Talati recommends showcasing value through quantifiable data and action-oriented language. By infusing accomplishments with numerical data and employing impactful action verbs, applicants can demonstrate their contributions effectively. Providing context by following the S-Situation, T-Task, A-Action, R-Result framework adds depth to the achievements listed on the resume.

Reddy echoes the importance of tailoring resumes to specific job descriptions, emphasizing relevant experiences and skills. He stresses the significance of meticulous proofreading to maintain professionalism, clarity, and conciseness in resumes.

Emphasizing Style Choices

The debate over resume formats continues, with a focus on balancing content with presentation to captivate the audience. The choice between a straightforward traditional resume and a more visually appealing digital resume is influenced by factors such as the generational diversity in the workforce.

Nandikolla highlights the preference of fluid Gen Z individuals for video resumes, while millennials lean towards simplicity in design. The decision between traditional and modern formats is influenced by individual preferences and prevailing economic conditions.

Tailoring resumes to specific job roles and personal experiences is crucial for a customized approach. Including data points that showcase achievements adds a quantitative dimension to resumes.

Talati advises individuals to select a resume style based on their level of expertise. A combination resume is recommended for career transitions, providing a brief overview of the reasons behind the shift. For seasoned professionals, a reverse chronological resume focusing on outcomes rather than tasks is suggested. Including details on networking, language proficiency, continuous learning, awards, volunteer experience, and relevant projects can further enhance the resume’s impact.

In conclusion, while leveraging artificial intelligence tools can streamline the resume creation process, it is essential to consider various factors. Ensuring that the information is tailored to the job requirements and reflects one’s personality is paramount. While tools like ChatGPT can enhance the language used, Talati advises individuals to validate the tone and language for authenticity.

Crafting an ideal resume can be a daunting task, making external feedback invaluable. Before hitting the send button, seeking input from a friend or mentor can provide valuable insights and enhance the overall quality of the resume.

Written by Geetika Sachdev, Author and Blogger.

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