Written by 3:49 am AI, Discussions

– AI’s Control Over Your Thoughts and Actions: Big Brother Biden’s Assertion

The Risk Posed by Biden’s Artificial Intelligence Disinformation Strategy

The American public should be on alert as President Joe Biden appears to be steering towards a regime reminiscent of “Big Brother,” where information is tightly controlled.

Recent findings from the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government reveal that the Biden administration has allocated substantial funds towards the development of AI-powered tools designed to identify and combat “misinformation.”

This initiative, operating under the guise of “Trust & Authenticity in Communication Systems” within the “Convergence Accelerator Program,” involves significant investments in cutting-edge technology from prestigious institutions like MIT, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Michigan.

This move echoes a disturbing resurrection of a Ministry of Truth-like entity, equipped with advanced capabilities to suppress narratives deemed unfavorable by the administration.

The creators of these AI tools argue that a significant portion of the population, including groups such as military veterans, older adults, and individuals with certain beliefs, struggle to discern truth from falsehood online. This narrative underscores the underlying agenda of the program.

Essentially, the aim appears to be restricting access to information for certain segments of society, particularly those not aligned with the administration’s viewpoints.

It is crucial to note that the term “disinformation” seems to encompass any information that challenges the narratives favored by the Democratic Party.

For instance, verifiable facts such as the contents of Hunter Biden’s contentious laptop or the nuanced impacts of COVID-related policies, including the adverse effects of prolonged lockdowns and the limitations of vaccines in curbing the virus’s spread, are at risk of being suppressed.

Reports have emerged of government officials exerting pressure on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to censor content that contradicts their preferred narratives. There have even been attempts to coerce Amazon into discontinuing the sale of certain ebooks deemed objectionable.

These efforts are fundamentally aimed at controlling the information landscape, steering public discourse, and ultimately influencing public opinion through selective dissemination of information.

It is imperative to acknowledge the pivotal role of individuals like Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in challenging the authority of so-called “disinformation experts” and safeguarding constitutionally protected freedoms against undue governmental interference.

The looming specter of government surveillance and information control underscores the importance of remaining vigilant in safeguarding democratic principles until the opportunity to exercise democratic rights at the polls arises.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 11, 2024
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