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Replika: Launches New Immersive AI Wellness Avatar Experience

Replika was one of the first chatbots, launched in 2017 launches TOMO on January 29th 2024, an Imme…

Just launched, Replika. early users of generative AI, is once again making a market leadership impact with their unique immersive AI Wellness Retreat edge with Tomo, a Zen seeking avatar.

Replika was one of the first chatbots, launched in 2017. With millions of users, Replika was one of the first users of OpenAI and is also backed by the same VC, Khosla Ventures.

Well ahead of the market on loneliness companions that helps to reduce suicide mitigations for students was validated in the Stanford led peer-review research published in Nature

Tomo is an an immersive AI spiritual and mental guidance experience that uses the latest technology to help users find peace and tranquility among the digital chaos, out now for iOS and in development for Apple’s Vision Pro.

This is the first app to combine an interactive 3D environment, AI guidance using Generative AI, and coaching from clinical specialists. After answering questions to help understand what might benefit them the most, users choose from eleven programs exploring their personal growth, professional fulfillment and mental well-being. There are over 250 activities with 13 stages, led by an AI avatar guide, including yoga, meditation, talk therapy, and positive affirmation. These transformative experiences unfold within a serene 3D landscape, accompanied by a soothing soundtrack. As retreaters progress, they unlock an array of 3D objects that facilitate a deeper exploration of their inner sanctuary.

In interviewing Eugenia in The Predictive World Series, a leading AI channel featuring AI leaders making a difference. I was struck by her answer to what has been her passion to pursue her dream and stay resolute and she eloquently said, if I can make a difference to one life at a time so they are happier, then I have made a valuable contribution.

“Spiritual healing and growth are at the forefront of Tomo; we want to re-awaken the spirituality at the core of the human experience, no matter what that means to each person, says, Eugenia Kuyda, Chief Executive Officer and Founder at Replika. “While technology is frequently blamed for a lack of spiritual and wellness development, we believe it offers unlimited potential for growth. No longer are you twitching to reach for your phone in a meditation session, instead, it’s delivering the experience that, hopefully, dulls that urge.”

Tomo is a very innovative application, with focused programs to help subscribers to improve sleep, boost self-image, better understand work-life balance, improve motivation, happiness and more. Tomo brings together invaluable wellness tools in a single Zen space. Taking digital breaks is encouraged, with dialogue recaps and supplementary activities helping you get back on track to improve your employee happiness.

Tomo launches first on iOS in the App Store and includes a 3-day free trial. Tomo memberships are available for $7.99 per week, or $49.99 per year. The app is also being developed for Apple’s Vision Pro. The Android version will launch in the Google Play store later this year. A video can be found at this YouTube URL.

More About Tomo

Tomo is the latest app from the team that created Replika, the world’s most popular AI companion. Founded by Eugenia Kuyda in 2017, Replika was the first companion AI and provides comfort to millions of people worldwide. Luka, the company behind Replika is a venture-funded private company, headquartered in San Francisco, with investors that include Khosla Ventures and ACME.

Research Sources:

Interview Jan 29th with CEO and Founder, Eugenia Kuyda.

Also you can learn more about Replika, see Dr. Gordon’s Interview with the Founder on January 29th, See here.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 19, 2024
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