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### 10 Fascinating Statistics on Generative AI

Discover the staggering impact of generative AI, from 75% of professionals expecting significant in…

A little more than a year ago, generative AI was not a widely discussed topic. However, it has now become the focal point of major events such as CES and the World Economic Forum.

Significant transformations have occurred during this period, primarily fueled by the collective excitement surrounding tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E. A multitude of individuals now integrate these tools into their daily routines, as indicated by the statistics highlighted below. Novel products and services revolving around extensive language models, image manipulation, sound generation, and video creation are emerging on a daily basis.

Let’s delve into some compelling facts and figures that encapsulate the narrative of generative AI’s breakthrough year.

  1. According to McKinsey’s research, 75% of professionals anticipate that generative AI will bring about “significant or disruptive change in the nature of their industry’s competition” within the next three years.

This insight is intriguing as it suggests that many individuals perceive generative AI as having utility beyond conventional applications, such as streamlining routine marketing and administrative tasks, and foresee its potential in fostering new business prospects.

  1. 70% of Generation Z individuals utilize generative AI, with 52% of them expressing trust in its ability to assist them in decision-making, as outlined by Salesforce.

This trend aligns with findings from the same study indicating that 68% of non-users of generative AI belong to the Gen X or Baby Boomer generations. It is unsurprising that younger demographics exhibit a swifter grasp of novel technologies and their integration into daily life. For seasoned members of the workforce, this presents an opportunity to remain current rather than risk falling behind.

  1. As per OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, 100 million individuals engage with ChatGPT on a weekly basis.

This statistic was disclosed towards the conclusion of 2023. At the beginning of the year, it was reported that this generative AI tool, which catalyzed the ongoing surge of interest, attracted an equivalent number of monthly users. The parent company’s website, OpenAI, garners 1.5 million monthly visits.

  1. Salesforce reports that 86% of IT leaders anticipate a forthcoming prominent role for generative AI within their organizations.

Given its capacity to generate code, troubleshoot intricate technical issues, and redefine data interpretation, IT professionals are among those most exposed to the potential advantages and complexities of AI. For individuals in this domain, continuous learning and adaptability are imperative for maintaining a competitive edge.

  1. Two million developers are actively involved in crafting applications on OpenAI’s platform.

This encompasses a majority of Fortune 500 enterprises, according to the company’s internal data. Developing applications on OpenAI involves establishing services that leverage its tools, such as GPT-4 or Dall-E 2, through the company’s APIs. A prevalent application scenario involves designing customized chatbots akin to ChatGPT to address customer inquiries.

  1. The generative AI market’s value is projected to surge by $180 billion over the next eight years.

Research conducted by Brainy Insights forecasts that the revenue generated from generative AI services will reach $188 billion by 2032. This growth trajectory is steered by heightened AI adoption across diverse sectors and businesses’ inclination to leverage data for decision-making.

  1. 80% of women are employed in sectors susceptible to automation by generative AI.

Based on research by the Kenan Institute, when automation can cover over 25% of a role’s functions, the role is deemed vulnerable. The study reveals that women are disproportionately impacted by this trend, with only 58% of men occupying similarly vulnerable roles.

  1. 89.2% of artists believe that existing copyright regulations inadequately address the challenges posed by generative AI.

This insight stems from research conducted by the job platform Book An Artist, which indicates that a vast majority of surveyed artists perceive current laws as insufficient in safeguarding their work from exploitation by generative AI. This is an area likely to attract legislative attention in the near future, given ongoing lawsuits filed by writers and artists alleging misappropriation of their work by AI providers.

  1. Marketers anticipate that generative AI will save them an average of five hours per week.

This translates to over a month annually! Primarily, marketers envision AI streamlining mundane tasks while enabling them to concentrate on strategic facets of their roles. The Salesforce survey Generative AI Snapshot reveals that 55% of marketing professionals are already leveraging generative AI, with an additional 22% planning adoption in the near term.

  1. By the conclusion of the upcoming year, 90% of online content could be generated by AI.

According to a report by the European Union Law Enforcement Agency, synthetic content could constitute 90% of online material by 2026. This shift is anticipated to introduce novel law enforcement challenges related to disinformation, propaganda, fraud, and deception.

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Last modified: January 29, 2024
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