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### Prepare for the Imminent Arrival of the Workplace AI Hunger Games

Junior employees armed with AI skills may even replace first-line managers.

A recent study conducted by Oliver Wyman Forum, titled The Transformation of Business And Society by Generative AI, projects the elimination of 85 million jobs by 2025. It is anticipated that one-third of all entry-level positions could be automated, potentially leading to junior employees equipped with generative artificial intelligence (AI) replacing their first-line managers, resulting in a restructuring of organizations.

The impending scenario has been described as a challenging and competitive one. The forthcoming wave of AI-driven layoffs is likened to The Hunger Games, where proficiency in AI tools will determine survival rather than traditional weaponry. Concerns regarding AI’s impact have been highlighted by the American Psychological Association, indicating that employees in the United States who harbor apprehensions about AI are more prone to experiencing stress and a sense of insignificance within their work community.

Individuals are faced with a critical decision: succumb to the perceived threat posed by automation or adapt and thrive in the evolving landscape of AI.

Targeted Concerns

Developing AI competencies is a complex endeavor, akin to mastering a new language, necessitating a sustained and dedicated learning process. Instantaneous acquisition of AI literacy through casual means is deemed unfeasible; rather, it demands prolonged commitment and effort. The reality remains that personal investment and effort are indispensable; no one else can undertake the mental exertion on one’s behalf.

Furthermore, the narrative underscores that individuals in affluent societies, accustomed to comfort and complacency, may encounter challenges in embracing this transformative shift compared to individuals from diverse global locations characterized by resilience and motivation.

To navigate the forthcoming AI challenges effectively:

  1. Attaining AI literacy demands dedication and persistent effort, with no shortcuts available.
  2. Proficiency stems from passion; initiating the learning process with an AI tool of personal interest is advised.
  3. Delve deeply into the chosen tool until its intricacies are unraveled before transitioning to the next AI application; each subsequent tool becomes more manageable to master.
  4. Seek guidance from a mentor or consultant who has successfully navigated similar challenges in the past.

The crux lies in achieving mastery driven by passion. When pursuing AI education for professional purposes, the journey may be arduous, time-consuming, and fraught with uncertainties. Drawing from the Japanese concept of ikigai 生き甲斐, individuals are encouraged to identify an AI tool that resonates with them, providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Moses Ma

On a broader societal scale, there is an urgent need for accelerated training at an unprecedented pace, akin to a modern-day Manhattan Project, focusing on enhancing global human intelligence. While computer literacy took decades to proliferate, the current exigency demands the upskilling of 100 million individuals within the next 18 to 24 months. This ambitious goal faces significant hurdles, particularly amidst prevalent societal complacency towards the looming disruptions.

The narrative draws parallels with the pioneering spirit exemplified by Léon Serpollet in breaking the world land speed record through innovation and perseverance. Serpollet’s achievements underscore the transformative power of technological advancements and individual determination in overcoming perceived limitations.

The evolution of skills and capabilities over time is exemplified by the analogy of driving at high speeds, once considered a specialized skill but now commonplace. This analogy reinforces the notion that human adaptability and learning potential are boundless, paving the way for a future where proficiency in advanced technologies like AI and quantum computing becomes widespread.

Essential Insights on Artificial Intelligence

At a societal level, a collective shift towards an empowered and resilient mindset is imperative to navigate the challenges posed by AI effectively. By harnessing collective determination and courage, individuals, organizations, and communities can embark on a transformative journey towards a prosperous future.

Let us unite in this endeavor, standing together to shape a promising future for all.

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Last modified: January 29, 2024
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