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**Revolutionary AI Tool by The Hotels Network Boosts Hotel Revenue through Enhanced Advertising ROI**

The Hotels Network (THN), a direct growth platform for hotels, has launched Predictive Audiences to…

The Hotels Network (THN), a platform dedicated to direct hotel growth, has introduced Predictive Audiences to enhance Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS) for hoteliers. This cutting-edge tool, driven by AI and hospitality-specific algorithms, enables the optimization of retargeting campaigns to effectively attract high-value users back to the hotel’s website. Predictive Audiences revolutionizes traffic acquisition by empowering hotels to refine retargeting campaign bids for guests more likely to convert or with higher spending capacities, resulting in a potential CPA reduction of up to 70%.

How does Predictive Audiences operate?

By leveraging insights from millions of users within THN’s extensive network of over 19,000 hotels, this technology employs machine learning methodologies to identify real-time patterns based on numerous variables. Through this analysis, it predicts user behavior by taking into account factors like historical and current user interactions, THN engagements, and external data sources, providing hoteliers with a comprehensive grasp of user engagement trends.

Predictive Audiences simplifies the workflow for hoteliers by autonomously scrutinizing and interpreting user behavior, thereby generating valuable audience segments from overall web traffic. These segments are then utilized to target users, optimize bid strategies, and enhance conversion rates. Notably, this is accomplished without escalating advertising expenses, enabling hotels to adjust bid strategies for guests more likely to convert or with higher spending capacities.

The key algorithms driving the optimization of retargeting campaigns include:

  • Purchase Intent: This algorithm empowers hotel marketers to target users based on their likelihood of booking a room directly on the hotel’s website.

  • High Spend: This algorithm assesses the probability of a user opting for higher or lower-priced accommodations on the hotel’s website, indicating the room category a user is inclined to book.

These audience segments can be integrated with other behavioral targeting criteria based on user interactions with the hotel website, such as searched stay dates or URL parameters. Leveraging Predictive Audiences in this manner will yield advantages for hoteliers by ultimately enhancing ROAS, reducing CPA, and increasing conversion rates.

Juanjo Rodriguez, the Founder of The Hotels Network, expressed, “Having achieved significant success with our initial Predictive Personalization platform, we are thrilled to expand its capabilities and the value it offers to hoteliers for their direct channel strategies.” He further highlighted the seamless integration of Predictive Audiences, which effortlessly connects to the hotel brand’s Google Analytics account, enabling hoteliers to promptly launch retargeting campaigns that notably enhance their direct channel performance.

In addition to price comparisons, review summaries, and a comprehensive range of personalization features, THN’s Predictive Personalization product utilizes machine learning to forecast user behavior and automatically tailor both the message and the offer for each user. The company’s latest innovation, BenchDirect, introduces the first benchmarking product for the direct channel, furnishing hotels with unprecedented competitive insights that redefine industry standards.

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Last modified: January 24, 2024
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