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### Leveraging AI to Improve Assessment Opportunities for Every Student

Hamilton & Middlebrook: Educators can use artificial intelligence to make tests more learner-ce…

Like many facets of K-12 education, the landscape of student assessments is undergoing significant transformations. The evolution is being driven by two primary factors: the advancement of artificial intelligence tools and a growing dedication to creating exams that enhance opportunities for all students.

AI is increasingly being harnessed by developers in the design, development, scoring, and reporting of assessments. This shift brings about potential benefits like real-time feedback and improved instructional efficiency. However, it also introduces challenges such as algorithmic bias, hallucinatory responses, and heightened surveillance that could compromise privacy safeguards.

Beyond AI, disparities in educational access are pervasive, prompting a recognition among professionals that the use of tests for purposes like college admissions and school accountability has not effectively addressed these inequities. In response, stakeholders such as exam developers, policymakers, community leaders, and educators are advocating for tools, practices, and policies geared towards enhancing opportunities for all learners.

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These trends lay the foundation for a new approach that leverages AI’s potential to benefit all students. We advocate for a paradigm that incorporates five key elements:

  • Emphasis on a holistic view of learning and assessment: Drawing from the Science of Learning and Development, which underscores the interconnectedness of academic, social, and emotional growth, AI-enhanced tools can support the evaluation of collaborative problem-solving skills and digital measures of student engagement.

  • Broader approach to personalization: Moving beyond traditional notions of personalized learning and assessment, developers should explore tailoring assessment tasks not just based on academic performance and interests, but also considering students’ linguistic, social, and cultural backgrounds.

  • Redefinition of educational outcomes: As AI takes on tasks traditionally done by humans, schools must redefine proficiency in areas like writing to align with the evolving landscape. This includes equipping students with AI-related skills essential for the modern workforce.

  • Revised perspective on test security: Concerns about cheating facilitated by AI tools like ChatGPT necessitate a learner-centered approach to assessment that acknowledges technological advancements and the evolving definition of proficiency in areas like research and writing.

  • Focus on human relationships: Despite the efficiency gains from automating test processes, human involvement remains crucial for fostering connections and collaborative learning. Educator and peer input should complement digital measures of student engagement and development.

Integrating AI into learner-centered educational assessments presents both opportunities and challenges. While assessments that consider the whole child can offer valuable insights for instruction, they may also lead to misinterpretations of students’ abilities or raise objections related to social and emotional learning. Effective implementation of a learner-centered assessment system will require collaboration among research teams, policymakers, educators, and most importantly, students themselves. This collective effort should prioritize measuring aspects that contribute to each student’s holistic development while upholding the human perspective and educators’ unique insights at the core.

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Last modified: January 23, 2024
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