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### Joe Biden’s AI-Generated Robocall Urges New Hampshire Democrats Against Voting

New Hampshire Democrats received AI-generated robocall from Joe Biden telling them not to vote R…

Concerns regarding the potential weaponization of generative artificial intelligence have resurfaced following reports that Democrats in New Hampshire recently received fabricated robocalls allegedly from President Joe Biden advising against voting in the upcoming primary election. The state attorney general’s office confirmed the dissemination of these deceptive calls.

The exact number of individuals targeted by the robocalls mimicking Biden’s voice remains unknown. The fabricated message discourages voting in the immediate election, asserting that doing so would benefit the Republicans and potentially lead to the re-election of Donald Trump. The recording, which incorporated a signature Biden phrase, emphasized the significance of voting in November as opposed to the approaching Tuesday election date.

The evolution of deceptive audio technology, including deepfake capabilities, has raised significant concerns, particularly in the context of the impending U.S. general election. There is a growing apprehension that manipulated media, both in audio and video formats, could disrupt the electoral process. Consequently, there have been increasing calls for regulatory measures targeting AI companies to address the misuse of such technologies by individuals with varying levels of expertise.

Robert Weissman, president of the advocacy organization Public Citizen, highlighted the urgency for policymakers to address the emerging challenges posed by political deepfakes. The recent incident in New Hampshire serves as a stark reminder of the potential for deepfakes to create confusion and facilitate fraudulent activities.

Current legislative discussions revolve around two primary strategies for managing AI-generated content: imposing bans on deceptive impersonation using AI or mandating clear disclosures for all such manipulated content. In New Hampshire, Democratic legislators have already introduced a bill proposing safeguards against the spread of deceptive AI-generated content.

Recent actions, such as OpenAI’s prohibition of a startup responsible for a Biden-mimicking chatbot, underscore the escalating concerns surrounding AI-driven misinformation and disinformation. The World Economic Forum has also identified AI-powered misinformation as a significant threat to the global economy in the coming years.

The origins of the New Hampshire fake robocalls remain undisclosed. The calls, falsely attributed to Kathy Sullivan, a prominent figure associated with the Democratic Party in the state, were reported to law enforcement. Sullivan, who denounced the deceptive tactics, emphasized the importance of holding perpetrators accountable to prevent similar incidents from escalating in the future.

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Last modified: January 23, 2024
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