Written by 10:20 pm AI and Ethics

### AI Sparks Controversy on Newsroom Ethics

With AI’s abilities – and risks – for media outlets, newsrooms are focused on ethics of…

With the rise of advanced artificial intelligence and its role in disseminating misinformation, some media experts suggest that the journalism industry should establish consistent standards regarding this new technology.

One of the key concerns raised by newsroom leaders is the ethical reliance on AI, which, despite its capabilities, has a history of errors, digital distortions, and the creation of deepfakes. Maintaining credibility, which is built on trust, becomes a challenge when considering the reliability of AI.

Jared Schroeder, an associate professor specializing in media law and technology at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, expressed the need for news organizations to develop best practices over time. He highlighted the evolving nature of AI, emphasizing that today’s AI will differ from that of the future.

The use of generative AI presents a conundrum for an industry facing economic challenges. While the technology aids in tasks like producing transcripts, editing content, narrating audiovisual pieces, and generating images, it also introduces risks such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, and errors.

Although AI is recognized as a valuable tool for journalism, experts agree that human oversight remains essential in its application. Journalists like Ryan Heath from Axios stress the importance of using AI for research and inspiration rather than for actual reporting or drafting of articles.

While some news outlets have experimented with AI-generated content, challenges have arisen, including allegations of publishing AI-generated articles under fake bylines and errors in AI-produced content. These incidents have prompted organizations to reassess their approaches to AI integration.

As the industry navigates the implications of AI, efforts are being made to establish principles for its ethical use. Organizations like The New York Times and The Associated Press are taking steps to incorporate AI responsibly, with a focus on accuracy, fairness, and efficiency.

Looking ahead, the impact of AI on newsrooms is expected to be a significant trend in 2024, particularly in light of upcoming elections worldwide. Discussions around trust, intellectual property, and efficiency are central to these developments, as news organizations strive to leverage AI effectively while mitigating potential risks.

Initiatives such as the Paris Charter on AI and Journalism aim to provide ethical guidelines for AI use in journalism. While the adoption of such principles remains a work in progress, the dialogue on AI’s role in journalism continues to evolve, emphasizing the importance of transparency and human oversight in leveraging this technology responsibly.

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Last modified: January 23, 2024
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